Dr. Scott Severson |
Sonoma State University |
Science and Society |
Geof Syphers |
Sonoma Clean Power |
How the Electric Grid Turned Upside Down |
Dr. Raja GuhaThakurta |
UC Santa Cruz |
the Universe of Galaxes and Stem Research Opportunities for Young People |
Dr. Daniel Soto, Chair |
Sonoma State University |
Consider a Shperical Planet: Can Physics Address Global Issues? |
Dr. Wim Leemans |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Solving Big Problems With Small Accelerators: From Colliders to Medical Devices Based on Laser Plasma Accelerators |
Dr. Kai Vetter |
UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Gamma-Ray Vision |
Dr. Kim Coble |
Using Results From Research on Undergraduate Learning in Cosmology to Build and Test an Interactive Student-Centered Curriculum |
Dr. Sue Carter |
UC Santa Cruz |
Innovation in a Changing Climate |
Dr. Vicky Scowcroft |
Observatories Carnegie Institution for Science |
Cepheids and Leavitt's Law |
Parker Fagrelius |
UC Berkeley |
Protodesi: A Pathfinder for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Survey |
Dr. Maria Giovanna Dainotti |
Jagiellonian University |
Study of the Gamma Ray Burst (Grb) Fundamental Plane |
Dr. Juan Carlos Diaz Velez |
Neutrino and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics With the Icecube Neutrino Observatory |
Dr. Carl Wieman |
Stanford |
Taking a Scientific Approach to Science Education |
SSU Alum Katie Badham |
Lockheed Martin |
Generating Vector Beams With a Programmable Spatial Light Modulator |
Michael Dobbs |
Sonoma State University |
B-Quark Tagging Algorithm Characterization |
Dr. Ron Olowin, |
Saint Mary's College |
Eureka! Cosmic Explorations of Archimedes, Alexander Von Humboldt and Edgar Allan Poe |
Dr. David Koo |
UC Santa Cruz |
Norad, Meteor Burst Communication and the Deep Universe |
Dr. Colin Milburn |
UC Davis |
Gaming Science |
Dr. Alex Rudolph |
CSU-Pomona |
Campare and Cal-Bridge: Engaging Underrepresented Groups in Physics and Astronomy |
Dr. Tom Barclay |
NASA Ames |
Nasa's k2 Mission, Extending Kepler's Legacy |