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What Physicists Do - Archive

Date Speaker Speaker Affiliation Lecture Title
Dr. Beverly Berger National Science Foundation Searching for Gravitational Waves With Ligo
Jim Eyer E & I Consulting Distributed Energy Resources
Dr. David Schlegel Dark Energy From the Largest Galaxy Maps
Dr. Heino Nitsche Lawrence Berkeley National Lab the Periodic Table in Motion: Where Will It End
Dr. Derek Kimball the Universe in an Atom: How Precision Measurements of Atoms Can Probe the Universe's Greatest Mysteries
Dr. Haber the Higgs Boson Unleashed
Dr. Pines Some Magnetic Moments
Dr. Kathy Cooksey Massachusetts Institute of Technology the Universe in Absorption
Prof. Cominsky Sonoma State University Nasa Education and Public Outreach at Sonoma State University
Dr. Rohde Berkeley Earth Global Warming
Dr. Samantha Edgington Stanford University the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
Dr. Gabriel Orebi Gann University of California at Berkeley Solar Neutrinos in 2012: The End of Days?
Dr. Jon Jenkins Recent Results From Nasa's Kepler Mission: Good Planets Are Hard to Find and Vice Versa
University of California Berkeley Material Science in Nuclear Applications
Andrew Leker Electrified Games, Inc. Tales of a Physicist and Entrepreneur
Gary Shambat Stanford University Advanced Nanophotonic Devices for Ultralow Power and Ultrafast Lasers and Leds
Dr. Karl van Bibber University of California at Berkeley a Physicist’s Walk on the Dark Side
Dr. Bradford Holden University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory Searching for (And Occasionally Finding) the Most Distant Galaxies
Film presentation Cosmic Voyage
Dr. Joseph Perl SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Targeting Cancer: Simulation Tools to Improve Radiation Therapy