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What Physicists Do - Archive

Date Speaker Speaker Affiliation Lecture Title
N/A No Lecture
N/A Spring Break - No Lecture
Victoria Xu UC Berkeley The quantum limit of gravitational-wave detection
CD Hoyle Humboldt TBA
Peter Michelson Stanford Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope: A quest to explore the restless, high-energy Universe
Ned Kahn Artist Analogies of the Higgs Field 
Joe Tenn Emeritus Tips on choosing a grad school in astronomy or physics
Hunter Kanniainen UC Berkeley FOXSI-4: The Science and Engineering Behind the Suborbital Rocket Capturing Solar Flares
Dr. Benjamin L. Gerard Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Technology Development
Jairo Velasco UC Santa Cruz Graphene Quantum Dots
Enrico Ramirez Ruiz UC Santa Cruz Cosmic Alchemy: How Neutron Star Smash-Ups Forge Heavy Atoms
Nancy Aggarwal UC Davis Dark Matter Searches Using Gravitational Wave Detectors
Lauren Corlies Lick Observatory One Path to an Astronomy Outreach Career
Madison Ambriz, Bahareh Adami Ardestani, Merlin Goddard, and Aaron Russell Sonoma State University Student Research Talks
Daniel Contreras The Physics of Micromachines
Sarah Marzen Pitzer, Scripps, and Claremont McKenna College How do Neurons, Humans, and Artificial Neural Networks Predict?
Dr. Ashok Gadgil Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Development Engineering: My Journey and Lessons
Dr. Inna Vishik UC Davis Superconductivity, the Hype, the Reality, and the Experiments
Dr. Alexandra Miller Sonoma State University Physics Career Pathways
Alumni Panel Various Life in Graduate Programs