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What Physicists Do - Archive

Date Speaker Speaker Affiliation Lecture Title
Alex Miller on Symmetry: From Noether to the Higgs: Aka What (Theoretical) Physicists Do
a Brief Overview of the Sensors and Spectrocopy Group at Viavi Solutions
Sojuy Roy Shining X-Rays on Topological Texture
Dr. Freund NASA Ames the Search for Rare Earthquake-Like Precursors: Maxent Moun-Spin Resonance Mgo Study
James Lee Adventures in Nanomagnetism
Lance Cottrell From Astrophysics to Angel Investor - How Science Helped Me Succeed
Dr. Courtney Dressing Exploring Planets Orbiting Nearby Stars the Nasa
Aaron Romanowsky the Dark Side of Extreme Galaxies
Laura Sparks Santa Rosa Junior College Astronomy Careers: From Education to Giant Telescopes
Dr. Sebastian Ellis SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Understanding Particle Theory
Dr. Tesla Jeltema UC Santa Cruz Large-Scale Structure
Dr. Juan Carlos Oliveros Martinez UC Berkeley the Eclipse Megamovie Project
Dr. Stephen Martin UC Santa Cruz The Path From Physics to Data Science
Dr. Robert Nemiroff Michigan Tech. University Faster Than Light
Prof. Cominsky Sonoma State University Science of War and Peace
Dr. Kalas UC Berkeley How Do You Image Extrasolar Planets Hidden Close to Bright Stars?
Dr. William Collins Radiative Drivers of Climate Change: Known Knowns and Known Unknowns
Film presentation Apollo's Daring Mission
Dr. Ransom Stephens The Keys to Innovation: Priming Your Brain to Percolate Brilliant Ideas
Dr. Ming Yi Rice University Mysteries of High Temperature Superconductivity