ASTR | 100 | 001 | Descriptive Astronomy | LEC | GEB1 | 3.00 | TTH | 1:00 PM | 2:15 PM | STEV1400 | Targett,Thomas |
ASTR | 121 | 002 | How to Influence the World | LEC | GEA1 | 3.00 | MW | 11:00 AM | 12:15 PM | SALZ2020 | Friesen,Stephen |
ASTR | 231 | 001 | Intro Observational Astronomy | LAB | GEB3 | 1.00 | W | 6:00 PM | 8:40 PM | DARW0308 | Targett,Karen |
ASTR | 380 | 001 | Astrophysics: Stars | DIS | | 3.00 | MW | 1:00 PM | 2:15 PM | IVES0078 | Severson,Scott |
ASTR | 492 | 001 | Instructional Design Project | SUP | | 2.00 | ARR | | | | |
ASTR | 497 | 001 | Undergraduate Research in Astr | SUP | | 2.00 | ARR | | | | |
PHYS | 114 | 001 | Introduction to Physics I | DIS | GEB1 | 4.00 | TTH | 10:00 AM | 11:50 AM | DARW0031 | Miller Bordisso,Alexandra |
PHYS | 116 | 001 | Intro lab Experience | LAB | GEB3 | 1.00 | TH | 4:00 PM | 6:40 PM | DARW0308 | Marshall,Jacob |
PHYS | 209A | 001 | General Physics Laboratory | LAB | GEB3 | 1.00 | M | 02:00 PM | 04:40 PM | DARW0308 | |
PHYS | 209A | 002 | General Physics Laboratory | LAB | GEB3 | 1.00 | M | 05:00 PM | 07:40 PM | DARW0308 | |
PHYS | 209B | 001 | General Physics lab | LAB | | 1.00 | M | 2:00 PM | 4:40 PM | DARW0311 | Almaraz,Ruben |
PHYS | 209B | 002 | General Physics lab | LAB | | 1.00 | M | 5:00 PM | 7:40 PM | DARW0311 | Almaraz,Ruben |
PHYS | 210A | 001 | General Physics | DIS | GEB1 | 3.00 | TTH | 11:00 AM | 12:15 PM | DARW0103 | Kassis,Sara |
PHYS | 210B | 001 | General Physics | DIS | | 3.00 | MW | 11:00 AM | 12:15 PM | DARW0102 | Kassis,Sara |
PHYS | 214 | 001 | Intro to Physics II | DIS | | 4.00 | TTH | 10:00 AM | 11:50 AM | DARW0030 | Shi,Hongtao |
PHYS | 216 | 001 | Introductory Laboratory | LAB | | 1.00 | W | 4:00 PM | 6:40 PM | DARW0311 | Meder,Ryan |
PHYS | 313 | 001 | Electronics | DIS | | 3.00 | TTH | 1:00 PM | 2:15 PM | SALZ1031 | Shi,Hongtao |
PHYS | 313L | 001 | Electronics Laboratory | LAB | | 1.00 | TH | 2:30 PM | 5:10 PM | DARW0311 | Shi,Hongtao |
PHYS | 340 | 001 | Light and Optics | DIS | GEBU | 3.00 | MW | 9:30 AM | 10:45 AM | SALZ1034 | Severson,Scott |
PHYS | 342 | 001 | Light and Color | DIS | GEBU | 3.00 | TTH | 9:30 AM | 10:45 AM | DARW0037 | Kassis,Sara |
PHYS | 375 | 001 | Intro to Particle Physics | LEC | | 3.00 | T | 3:30 PM | 4:45 PM | BISYNC | Miller Bordisso,Alexandra |
PHYS | 381 | 001 | Computer Apps for Scientists | DIS | | 2.00 | F | 1:00 PM | 1:50 PM | DARW0311 | Targett,Thomas |
PHYS | 381 | 002 | Computer Apps for Scientists | LAB | | 2.00 | F | 2:00 PM | 4:40 PM | DARW0311 | Targett,Thomas |
PHYS | 430 | 001 | Electricity and Magnetism | LEC | | 3.00 | MW | 2:30 PM | 3:45 PM | STEV1211 | Shi,Hongtao |
PHYS | 491 | 001 | Capstone Preparatory Seminar | SEM | | 1.00 | W | 12:00 PM | 12:50 PM | SALZ1031 | Miller Bordisso,Alexandra |
PHYS | 492 | 001 | Instructional Design Project | SUP | | 2.00 | ARR | | | | |
PHYS | 493 | 001 | Senior Design Project | SUP | | 2.00 | ARR | | | | |
PHYS | 494 | 001 | Physics Seminar | SEM | | 1.00 | M | 4:00 PM | 4:50 PM | DARW0103 | Cominsky,Lynn |
PHYS | 497 | 001 | Undergraduate Res in Physics | SUP | | 2.00 | ARR | | | | |
SCI | 220 | 001 | Dream, Make and Innovate | LEC | GEE | 3.00 | F | 9:00 AM | 10:50 AM | SHLZ2012H | Targett,Karen |
SCI | 220 | 002 | Dream, Make and Innovate | LAB | GEE | 3.00 | F | 11:00 AM | 12:50 PM | SHLZ2012H | Targett,Karen |