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What Physicists Do - Archive

Date Speaker Speaker Affiliation Lecture Title
Simon Knapen LBL Dark Matter Scattering in Low Threshold Detectors
Nicholas Nelson CSU Chico The Fault In Our Numerical Stars: Dynamical Chaos in Stellar Evolution Models
Sara Callori CSU San Bernardino Layer by Layer: Adventures in Thin Films
David Wittman UC Davis Observing Dark Matter in the Wild
Curtis Asplund San Jose State University How hard is it to predict quantum behavior? And, how physicists work on nuclear threat reduction.
SSU Student REU Talks Sonoma State University SSU Student Research Experiences
Jeremy Qualls Dean of the College of Science, Technology, and Health at University of Southern Maine A Deans Life
Boris Haeussler European Southern Observatory BUDDI-MaNGA: a statistical spectroscopic survey of galaxy bulges and discs
Kalina Nedkova Tufts University How have galaxies grown over the last 10 billion years?
Valton Smith TBA
Aman Gill and Demitri Call Department of Physics at University of Nevada, Reno TBA
Sirio Belli Harvard University What turns galaxies off?
Tim Rawl European Space Agency Webb Space Telescope and the Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec)
Elisabetta Valiante 1QBIT TBA
Dr. Alex Walter Jet Propultion Laboratory (JPL) Exploring the Cosmos with Superconducting Detectors
SSU STEP Program Sonoma State University Becoming a Middle or High School STEM Teacher
Dr. Brianna Grado-White Brandeis University Building Traversable Wormholes (In Theory)
Dr. James Battat Wellesley College Testing Einstein with Lasers and the Moon
Dr. Christine Koh Sonoma State University Spectroscopic Characterization of Bioaerosols