Dr. Warren B. Jackson |
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center |
Large Area Amorphous Silicon Technology |
Dr. Marvin Chester |
University of California, Los Angeles |
God Plays Dice: A Physical Demonstration |
Dr. Keyvan Farahani |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Interventional Mri: Towards Minimally Invasive Surgery |
Dr. Robert W. Schoenlein |
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory |
Ten Femtosecond Laser Pulses and the First Step in Vision |
Dr. Louise Kellogg |
University of California at Davis |
Modeling the Earth's Deep Interior |
Dr. Dorrit Hoffleit |
Yale University |
Spectroscopic Determinations of Stellar Luminosities |
Deborah Gordon |
Union of Concerned Scientists |
Transportation and Its Links to Energy and the Environment |
William Hurt |
Albert Einstein: How I See the World |
Dr. Lynn Verhey |
University of California at San Francisco |
Radiation Therapy in Three Dimensions |
Dr. Carmen Ortiz |
IBM Almaden Research Center |
Compact Discs: What It Takes to Be Erasable |
Dr. Mario Rabinowitz |
Electric Power Research Institute |
Quantum Condensation Theory of Superconductivity |
Dr. Christopher Mauche |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Ultra-Violet and Soft X-Ray Diagnostics of Cataclysmic Variables |
Dr. Ovid Jacob |
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and Sonoma State University |
Positronium on the Light Cone |
Dr. Steven E. Koonin |
California Institute of Technology |
Global Change and the Dark of the Moon |
Drs. Robert and Marianne Hamm |
AccSys Technology, Inc. |
Modern Linear Accelerators and the Business of Physics |
Dr. Geoff Marcy |
San Francisco State University and the University of California at Berkeley |
the Status of Searches for Extra-Solar Planets |
Scott Saleska |
University of California at Berkeley |
the Environmental Legacy of the Nuclear Arms Race |
Dr. Roger Romani |
Stanford University |
Pulsar Shock Waves |
Dr. Barbara Neuhauser |
San Francisco State University |
Crystal Acoustic Detectors and Searches for Dark Matter |
Dr. John Huchra |
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
So Many Galaxies, So Little Time |