Dr. C.W. Francis Everitt |
Stanford University |
When Did Physics Begin? |
Dr. Richard Muller |
University of California at Berkeley |
Ice Ages and the Earth's Orbit |
Susan Owen |
Stanford University |
Getting to the Bottom of a Volcano With Gps |
Greg Sprehn |
Massie Research Laboratories, Inc. |
an Adaptive Optic |
Dr. Saul Perlmutter |
E. O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Weighing the Universe With Supernovae |
Dr. Kai Woehler |
United States Naval Postgraduate School |
the Pauli-Jung Discussion and Quantum Reality |
Dr. Jeffrey Koch |
FANUC Berkeley Laboratory |
Optical Position Sensors for Robots and Other Applications |
Dr. Ken Hoffman |
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo |
Reversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field: A Window Into the Deep Interior |
Dr. Richard Taylor |
Stanford University |
Finding the Quarks |
Dr. Susana Deustua |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Hands on Universe |
Dr. James Graham |
University of California, Berkeley |
Unveiling a Supernova Remnant |
Dr. Bernhard Haisch |
Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory |
a Quantum Broom Sweeps Clean |
Dr. Marla Feller |
University of California, Berkeley |
Wiring the Brain - a Physicist Looks at Development |
Dr. Richard E. Young |
NASA Ames Research Center |
the Galileo  Probe Mission to Jupiter |
Dr. Barbara G. Levi |
Physics Today |
Writing About Global Warming and Other Scientific Topics |
Dr. David B. Goldstein |
Natural Resources Defense Council |
Physicists Take on Global Warming |
Dr. Halton C. Arp |
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics |
How New Measures of Quasars and Galaxies Support a Changed Picture of the Universe |
Dr. Matthew Bashaw |
Stanford University |
Commercializing Holographic Data Storage: Risks and Rewards |
Dr. R. Jefferson Porter |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Dielectron Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions |
Dr. Joseph S. Tenn |
Sonoma State University |
Physics and Astronomy on the World Wide Web |