What Physicists Do - Archive

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September 10, 2007 Kuttner Quantum Enigma: Reality, Entanglement, and Consciousness
Dr. Fred Kuttner
University of California, Santa Cruz
September 17, 2007 Fulton From Deep Space to Earth: Photovoltaic Concentrators Impact the Future of Terrestrial Solar Energy Production
Michael Fulton
Ion Beam Optics, Inc.
September 24, 2007 Erbacher to the Top and Beyond: Particle Physics in the New Century
Dr. Robin Erbacher
University of California, Davis
October 1, 2007 Mudgway William H. Pickering: America’s Deep Space Pioneer
Douglas J. Mudgway
October 8, 2007 Severson a Sharper View of the Universe
Dr. Scott Severson
Sonoma State University
October 15, 2007 Ford the Search for Planets Around Low Mass Stars
Dr. Holland Ford
Johns Hopkins University and the Space Telescope Science Institute
October 22, 2007 Bethune Carbon and Metals: The Discovery of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Dr. Donald S. Bethune
IBM Almaden Research Center
October 29, 2007 Topinka Nanostructured Organic Solar Cells
Dr. Mark Topinka
Stanford University
November 5, 2007 Shakouri Thermionic Energy Conversion for Waste Heat Recovery
Dr. Ali Shakouri
University of California, Santa Cruz
November 19, 2007 Berger the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope: A Solar Microscope in Space
Dr. Thomas Berger
Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center
November 26, 2007 Modjaz Supernovae: Violent Deaths of Stars
Dr. Maryam Modjaz
University of California at Berkeley
February 4, 2008 Wittman Massive Sky Surveys of the Next Decade
Dr. David Wittman
University of California, Davis
February 11, 2008 Yeomans the Tunguska Event 100 Years Later: Finding Near Earth Objects Before They Find Us
Dr. Donald K. Yeomans
Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
February 25, 2008 van Gorkom the Evolution of Galaxies in Different Environments
Dr. Jacqueline van Gorkom
Columbia University
March 3, 2008 Hall Demarcation: Is There a Sharp Line Between Science and Pseudoscience?
Dr. Raymond Hall
California State University, Fresno
March 10, 2008 Chang the Role of Energy Efficiency in California’s Efforts to Curb Global Warming
Audrey Chang
Natural Resources Defense Council
March 17, 2008 Slanger Studies of the Terrestrial Upper Atmosphere With Astronomical Instruments
Dr. Tom Slanger
SRI International
April 7, 2008 Fung the Warming Will Accelerate the Warming
Dr. Inez Fung
University of California at Berkeley
April 14, 2008 Saraf Ligo: Lasers, Optics, and Interferometry in the Search for Gravitational Waves
Dr. Shailendhar Saraf
Sonoma State University
April 21, 2008 Aroyan a Physicist’s Playground: From Dolphins to Touchscreens
Dr. James Aroyan
JRJ Simulation & Design
