What Physicists Do - Archive

Datesort descending About
November 18, 1996 Sprehn an Adaptive Optic
Greg Sprehn
Massie Research Laboratories, Inc.
November 25, 1996 Owen Getting to the Bottom of a Volcano With Gps
Susan Owen
Stanford University
December 2, 1996 Muller Ice Ages and the Earth's Orbit
Dr. Richard Muller
University of California at Berkeley
February 3, 1997 Everitt When Did Physics Begin?
Dr. C.W. Francis Everitt
Stanford University
February 10, 1997 Platt Applicationsof High Temperature Superconductivity
Dr. Christine E. Platt
U.S. Department of Energy
February 24, 1997 Nellis the Discovery of Liquid Metallic Hydrogen
Dr. William Nellis
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
March 3, 1997 Alexander Breakthrough Technology in Solid State Lasers
Jason Alexander
Lightwave Electronics
March 10, 1997 Moran Sonoluminescence: A Table-Top Enigma
Dr. Michael J. Moran
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
March 17, 1997 Yeomans Comet Hale-Bopp Is Upon Us
Dr. Donald K. Yeomans
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 24, 1997 Krisciunas Einstein’s Biggest Blunder Wasn't
Kevin Krisciunas
University of Washington
April 7, 1997 Vogt the Evolution of Galaxies in the Distant Universe
Dr. Nicole P. Vogt
University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory and the University of California, Santa Cruz
April 14, 1997 Attwood X-Ray Microscopy and Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography
Dr. David Attwood
University of California at Berkeley
April 21, 1997 Chaiken The Physics of Magnetic Recording
Dr. Alison Chaiken
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
April 28, 1997 Moore Exploring Jupiter’s Moons With Galileo
Dr. Jeffrey M. Moore
NASA Ames Research Center
May 5, 1997 Syphers Solar Energy, Sustainability, and the Laws of Physics
Geoffrey Syphers
Eley Associates
September 8, 1997 Gronsky Atomic Resolution Microscopy
Dr. Ronald Gronsky
University of California at Berkeley
September 15, 1997 Quinn What Is a B Factory and What Is It Good for?
Dr. Helen Quinn
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
September 22, 1997 Cominsky Glast:   a Keener Eye for the Gamma-Ray Sky
Dr. Lynn R. Cominsky
Sonoma State University
September 29, 1997 Wiefling an Education in Physics:  the Technical Path to Career Agility
Kimberly Wiefling
October 6, 1997 Post Flywheels and Flying Carpets
Dr. Richard F. Post
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
