What Physicists Do - Archive

Datesort descending About
February 5, 1996 Trimble the Solar Neutrino Problem and How We Know Stars Run on Nuclear Energy; Cobe  and How We Know the Universe Went Through a Big Bang; Gamma Ray Bursters and How Sometimes We Don't Know Anything
Dr. Virginia Trimble
University of California, Irvine
February 12, 1996 Anderson the Science and Art of Laser Light Shows
Steve Anderson
Sonoma State University
February 26, 1996 Bryson Virtual Environments and Scientific Visualization
Steve Bryson
NASA Ames Research Center
March 4, 1996 Kunnari It's Just a Bunch of Ones and Zeros
Nancy Kunnari
National Semiconductor
March 11, 1996 Tenn Physics and Astronomy on the World Wide Web
Dr. Joseph S. Tenn
Sonoma State University
March 18, 1996 Porter Dielectron Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Dr. R. Jefferson Porter
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
March 25, 1996 Bashaw Commercializing Holographic Data Storage: Risks and Rewards
Dr. Matthew Bashaw
Stanford University
April 1, 1996 Arp How New Measures of Quasars and Galaxies Support a Changed Picture of the Universe
Dr. Halton C. Arp
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
April 15, 1996 Goldstein Physicists Take on Global Warming
Dr. David B. Goldstein
Natural Resources Defense Council
April 22, 1996 Levi Writing About Global Warming and Other Scientific Topics
Dr. Barbara G. Levi
Physics Today
April 29, 1996 Young the Galileo  Probe Mission to Jupiter
Dr. Richard E. Young
NASA Ames Research Center
September 16, 1996 Feller Wiring the Brain - a Physicist Looks at Development
Dr. Marla Feller
University of California, Berkeley
September 23, 1996 Haisch a Quantum Broom Sweeps Clean
Dr. Bernhard Haisch
Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory
September 30, 1996 Graham Unveiling a Supernova Remnant
Dr. James Graham
University of California, Berkeley
October 7, 1996 Deustua Hands on Universe
Dr. Susana Deustua
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
October 14, 1996 Taylor Finding the Quarks
Dr. Richard Taylor
Stanford University
October 21, 1996 Hoffman Reversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field: A Window Into the Deep Interior
Dr. Ken Hoffman
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
October 28, 1996 Koch Optical Position Sensors for Robots and Other Applications
Dr. Jeffrey Koch
FANUC Berkeley Laboratory
November 4, 1996 Woehler the Pauli-Jung Discussion and Quantum Reality
Dr. Kai Woehler
United States Naval Postgraduate School
November 11, 1996 Perlmutter Weighing the Universe With Supernovae
Dr. Saul Perlmutter
E. O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
