What Physicists Do - Archive

Date Aboutsort ascending
November 16, 2020 tenn Astronomy Genealogy Project
Dr. Joseph S. Tenn
Sonoma State University, Emeritus
May 4, 2009 Tenn Thirty-Nine Years of Physics and Astronomy at Sonoma State University
Dr. Joseph S. Tenn
Sonoma State University
March 2, 1976 tenn Nuclear Reactions In Stars
Dr. Joe S. Tenn
Sonoma State College
March 11, 1996 Tenn Physics and Astronomy on the World Wide Web
Dr. Joseph S. Tenn
Sonoma State University
November 18, 1985 Tenn the Hugginses, the Drapers, and the Beginnings of Astrophysics
Dr. Joe Tenn
Sonoma State University
September 25, 2017 Tchekhovskoy Simulations of Black Hole Accretion, Jets, and Outflows
Alexander Tchekhovskoy
March 2, 1971 tbd Measuring One In A Million
April 4, 2022 TBA TBA
Valton Smith
March 5, 1979 Taylor The Black Holes Of Gravity
Professor John Taylor
Sonoma State University
October 14, 1996 Taylor Finding the Quarks
Dr. Richard Taylor
Stanford University
May 6, 1985 Tarter Seti: Plans and Preparations for the Microwave Observing Program
Dr. Jill Tarter
University of California, Berkeley
September 20, 2004 Tarter Seti: Pulling Signals Out of Cosmic Noise
Dr. Jill Tarter
SETI Institute
October 3, 1977 Tarter Searching For Extraterrestrial Intelligence With Existing Radio Telescopes
Dr. Jill C. Tarter
NASA Ames Research Center
September 16, 2013 Targett a Citizen Science Colonization Model for the Koprulu Sector in Starcraft 2
Dr. Tom Targett
Sonoma State University
March 18, 1975 targ Experimental Evidence For Remote Viewing Of Natural Targets
Dr. Russell Targ
tanford Research Institute
November 3, 1997 Tam Using Mathematica in Physics Education
Dr. Patrick Tam
Humboldt State University
October 19, 1981 Talley The Crisis In Science And Technology: It's Here Now
Dr. Wilson K. Talley
University of California, Davis and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
October 25, 1982 Taber In Search Of The Magnetic Monopole
Dr. Michael Taber
Stanford University
September 27, 2010 Syphers Neighborhood Physics and the Science of Sustainable Communities
Geof Syphers
Codding Enterprises
March 6, 2017 Syphers How the Electric Grid Turned Upside Down
Geof Syphers
Sonoma Clean Power
