Date | About |
September 12, 1983 |
Computer Aided Design Of Microwave Circuits Holly Wallace Sonoma State University |
February 8, 1977 |
Applications Of Space And Aerial Photography Sharon Wall University of California, Berkeley |
October 8, 1979 |
The Physics Of Magic--And Vice Versa Jesse David Wall City College of San Francisco |
November 10, 1997 |
Probing the Mysterious Outer Layers of the Solar Atmosphere Dr. Arthur B.C. Walker II Stanford University |
October 21, 1975 |
The Evolution Of The Universe Dr. Robert V. Wagoner Stanford University |
November 19, 2001 |
Atoms and Photons in a Box: Wave Properties of Laser Cooled Atoms Dr. Vladan Vuletic Stanford University |
September 25, 2006 |
Is It Time to Revive the Nuclear Energy Option? Dr. Jasmina Vujic University of California at Berkeley |
November 12, 2001 |
Physics in Buildings: A Case Study of Ssu’s Environmental Technology Center Dr. Alexandra von Meier Sonoma State University |
February 23, 2009 |
the Light, the Dark, and the Hot Gas: Dissecting Galaxy Clusters Dr. Anja von der Linden Stanford University |
April 7, 1997 |
the Evolution of Galaxies in the Distant Universe Dr. Nicole P. Vogt University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory and the University of California, Santa Cruz |
October 18, 1982 |
Probing Molecular Clouds With Radio Interferometers Stuart Vogel University of California, Berkeley |
April 15, 2024 |
Superconductivity, the Hype, the Reality, and the Experiments Dr. Inna Vishik UC Davis |
November 17, 1997 |
New Cheap and Efficient Fuel Cells Dr. Steven J. Visco Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
October 21, 1974 |
Can Physics Survive In The Modern World? Dr. Don Villarejo UCLA |
March 18, 1985 |
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Alloys, Surfaces, and Overlayers Mr. Randy Victora University of California, Berkeley |
November 14, 2016 |
Gamma-Ray Vision Dr. Kai Vetter UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
May 10, 1993 |
Radiation Therapy in Three Dimensions Dr. Lynn Verhey University of California at San Francisco |
April 9, 2018 |
the Mysterious Mass of the Higgs Boson Christopher Verhaaren |
March 19, 2007 |
the First Stars in the Universe Dr. Aparna Venkatesan University of San Francisco |
March 27, 2006 |
Optics With Slow Light Dr. Mukund Vengalattore University of California at Berkeley |