What Physicists Do - Archive

Date Aboutsort ascending
October 8, 2007 Severson a Sharper View of the Universe
Dr. Scott Severson
Sonoma State University
February 21, 2011 Severson Adaptive Optics/Undergraduate Research at Ssu
Dr. Scott Severson
Sonoma State University
September 14, 2020 Severson Science and Society II
Dr. Scott Severson
Sonoma State University
February 23, 1981 Sessler Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion
Dr. Andrew M. Sessler
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
October 5, 1998 Semper Thenetworked Science Museum
Dr. Robert Semper
April 21, 2003 Selesnick Quantum Logic: What's It Good for?
Dr. Steve Selesnick
University of Missouri, St. Louis
November 9, 1987 Seielstad Exploring the Invisible Universe
Dr. George A. Seielstad
Assistant Director National Radio Astronomy Observatory
October 1, 1973 segre The Discovery Of The Neutron
Dr. Emilio Segré
University of California at Berkeley
October 31, 1988 Seeser Making Solar Cells Work in Space
Dr. James W. Seeser
Optical Coating Laboratory, Inc.
May 8, 1978 Seaman Physics At Very High Pressures
Dr. Lynn Seaman
SRI International
October 26, 2016 Scowcroft Cepheids and Leavitt's Law
Dr. Vicky Scowcroft
Observatories Carnegie Institution for Science
February 25, 2002 Scott Organic Light Emitting Diodes for Flat Panel Displays
Dr. J. Campbell Scott
IBM Almaden Research Center
November 7, 2011 Schwartz Carbon Reduction With Appropriate Technology
Dr. Peter Schwartz
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
September 25, 1972 schwartz Technological Warfare In Southeast Asia
Dr. Charles Schwartz, Lenny Siegel
University of California at Berkeley, Pacific Studies Center
March 12, 1990 Schwartz the First High Energy Neutrino Experiment
Dr. Melvin Schwartz
Digital Pathways, Inc.
February 11, 1985 Schwartz Nuclear Weapons: Offensive, Defensive, or None-of-the-Above
Dr. Charles Schwartz
University of California, Berkeley
April 5, 2005 Schumm Deep Down Beauty: Particle Physics, Mathematics, and the World Around Us
Dr. Bruce Schumm
University of California, Santa Cruz
March 7, 1983 Schroeder Creating New States Of Matter
Dr. Lee S. Schroeder
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
October 11, 1993 Schoenlein Ten Femtosecond Laser Pulses and the First Step in Vision
Dr. Robert W. Schoenlein
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
October 19, 1998 Schoenlein Femtosecondx-Rays at the Advanced Light Source
Dr. Robert Schoenlein
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
