What Physicists Do - Archive

Date Aboutsort ascending
October 17, 2005 Zieve Vortices Large and Small: Studying Cyclones Through Superfluids
Dr. Rena Zieve
University of California, Davis
March 8, 2010 Zhang Nanostructure Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications
Dr. Daqing Zhang
November 12, 1984 Zettl Novel Electronic Conduction In Low Dimensional Systems
Dr. Alex Zettl
University of California, Berkeley
May 3, 2010 Zettl Nanoelectromechanical Devices
Dr. Alex Zettl
University of California, Berkeley
January 27, 2014 Zack Ssu's First Satellite: T-Logoqube
SSU physics major Kevin Zack
February 26, 2018 Zach How Ssu Physics Prepared Me for Graduate Academics and Research
Kevin Zach
October 18, 2010 Yu Nanophotonic Light-Trapping in Solar Cells
Dr. Zongfu Yu
Stanford University
March 7, 2016 Young New Horizons Mission to Pluto
Dr. Leslie Young
Southwest Research Institute
April 29, 1996 Young the Galileo  Probe Mission to Jupiter
Dr. Richard E. Young
NASA Ames Research Center
November 19, 2018 Yi Mysteries of High Temperature Superconductivity
Dr. Ming Yi
Rice University
February 11, 2008 Yeomans the Tunguska Event 100 Years Later: Finding Near Earth Objects Before They Find Us
Dr. Donald K. Yeomans
Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 17, 1997 Yeomans Comet Hale-Bopp Is Upon Us
Dr. Donald K. Yeomans
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 11, 1974 yeh Lasers And The Molecules Of Life
Dr. Yin Yeh
University of California, Davis
March 20, 2006 Yang Nanowiring the Future
Dr. Peidong Yang
University of California at Berkeley
October 10, 1994 Yadigaroglu Young Pulsars: Great Lighthouses of the Universe
Ion-Alexis Yadigaroglu
Stanford University
March 16, 1998 Xiang the Integrated Material Chip
Dr. Xiao-Dong Xiang
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
October 15, 1973 wurtele What Meteorologists Do
Dr. Morton Wurtele
September 26, 1994 Wujek How to Be a Good Engineer
Joseph Wujek
University of California, Berkeley
February 26, 1973 wright What Geophysicists Do
Dr. William H. Wright III
Sonoma State College
October 15, 1979 Wright Energy Conservation--Where We Should Be Now
Jan Wright
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
