What Physicists Do - Archive

Date Aboutsort descending
April 14, 2003 Wilkening Ballistic Missile Defense: Technical Frontier or Technical Folly?
Dr. Dean Wilkening
Stanford University
October 2, 2006 Williams Beyond the Limits of Magnetic Recording
Dr. Mason Williams
Hitachi San Jose Research Lab
February 22, 1999 Williams Nanocomputers in a Bottle
Dr. Stan Williams
Hewlett Packard Laboratories
March 15, 2004 Wilson Detecting Airborne Pathogens With Diode Lasers
Dr. Geoffrey A. Wilson
Hach Homeland Security Technologies
November 8, 1982 Wilson Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
Geoffrey A. Wilson
Sonoma State University and Argonne National Laboratory
November 13, 1995 Wilson Coherent Laser Radar Applications
Dr. Geoffrey A. Wilson
Coherent Technologies, Inc.
September 9, 1975 winegarner Thin Films And Solar Energy
Richard Winegarner
Optical Coating Laboratory, Inc.
November 14, 1977 Winick Synchrotron Radiation: New Ways In Research With Photons
Dr. Herman Winick
Stanford University
February 3, 2014 Wiscombe the Beginning of the Climate Field in the 1970s
Dr. Warren Wiscombe
February 4, 2008 Wittman Massive Sky Surveys of the Next Decade
Dr. David Wittman
University of California, Davis
September 26, 2022 Wittman Observing Dark Matter in the Wild
David Wittman
UC Davis
November 4, 1996 Woehler the Pauli-Jung Discussion and Quantum Reality
Dr. Kai Woehler
United States Naval Postgraduate School
November 19, 1979 Wolfe Preliminary Results Of The Pioneer 11 Saturn Encounter
Dr. John Wolfe
NASA Ames Research Center
May 6, 2002 Wooden Are We Stardust? Crystals, Comets, and the Formation of Solar Systems
Dr. Diane Wooden
NASA Ames Research Center
April 25, 1994 Wooten the Traveling Salesman, Random Networks, and the Structure of Amorphous Silicon
Dr. Frederick Wooten
University of California, Davis/Livermore
September 12, 2005 Woschnagg Extreme Neutrinos: Using a Cube of 50,000-Year-Old South Pole Ice to Peer Into Space
Dr. Kurt Woschnagg
University of California at Berkeley
October 15, 1979 Wright Energy Conservation--Where We Should Be Now
Jan Wright
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
February 26, 1973 wright What Geophysicists Do
Dr. William H. Wright III
Sonoma State College
September 26, 1994 Wujek How to Be a Good Engineer
Joseph Wujek
University of California, Berkeley
October 15, 1973 wurtele What Meteorologists Do
Dr. Morton Wurtele
