What Physicists Do - Archive

Date Aboutsort descending
November 14, 2011 Stephens Emmy Noether and the Fabric of Reality
Dr. Ransom Stephens
February 11, 2019 Stephens The Keys to Innovation: Priming Your Brain to Percolate Brilliant Ideas
Dr. Ransom Stephens
September 15, 2008 Stoker First Results From the Phoenix Lander Mission
Dr. Carol Stoker
NASA Ames Research Center
December 2, 1991 Stoll Stalking the Wily Hacker
Dr. Cliff Stoll
November 20, 1995 Stoll What Physicists Do When They Are Unemployed
Cliff Stoll
September 8, 2003 Stork Did the Great Masters "Cheat" Using Optics?
Dr. David G. Stork
Ricoh Innovations and Stanford University
October 13, 1997 Street Amorphous Silicon Electronics for Imaging and Display
Dr. Robert A. Street
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
September 13, 2021 Students Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Student Edition!
Natalie Sanborn, Juan Garcia Vega, Andrew Evans, and Katie Toman
Sonoma State University
October 4, 1999 Sturrock Are Solar Neutrinos Oscillating?
Dr. Peter Sturrock
Stanford University
May 14, 2001 Suntzeff the Dark Universe: The Age and Ultimate Death of the Cosmos
Dr. Nicholas Suntzeff
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
November 27, 2006 Susskind the Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design
Dr. Leonard Susskind
Stanford University
March 9, 1987 Susskind Strings
Dr. Leonard Susskind
Stanford University
March 26, 2007 Suzuki Spintronics: From Materials to Devices
Dr. Yuri Suzuki
University of California at Berkeley
September 8, 2014 Svalgaard the Effects of Solar Activity on Our Earth
Dr. Leif Svalgaard
Stanford University
October 7, 1985 Swalen Optical Properties of Thin Films
Dr. Jerome Swalen
IBM Research Laboratories
September 27, 2010 Syphers Neighborhood Physics and the Science of Sustainable Communities
Geof Syphers
Codding Enterprises
May 5, 1997 Syphers Solar Energy, Sustainability, and the Laws of Physics
Geoffrey Syphers
Eley Associates
March 6, 2017 Syphers How the Electric Grid Turned Upside Down
Geof Syphers
Sonoma Clean Power
October 25, 1982 Taber In Search Of The Magnetic Monopole
Dr. Michael Taber
Stanford University
October 19, 1981 Talley The Crisis In Science And Technology: It's Here Now
Dr. Wilson K. Talley
University of California, Davis and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
