What Physicists Do - Archive

Date Aboutsort descending
March 21, 2016 Cominsky Gravitational Waves From Merging Black Holes
Prof. Lynn Cominsky
Sonoma State University
October 29, 1990 Cominsky Binary X-Ray Pulsars
Dr. Lynn Cominsky
Sonoma State University
October 30, 1989 Condon the Arctic and the Antarctic Ozone Experiments
Estelle Condon
NASA Ames Research Center
November 4, 1985 Connell Erasable Optical Storage: A Revolution in Recording Technology
Dr. Neville Connell
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
April 10, 1972 connors Physics And Molecular Biology
Dr. Peter Connors
University of California Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory
September 30, 2024 Contreras The Physics of Micromachines
Daniel Contreras
November 16, 2009 Conway the Search for the Higgs Boson
Dr. John Conway
University of California, Davis
December 2, 1975 conwell The Northern Lights
Peter Conwell
Sonoma State College
September 12, 1994 Cook Dark Matter, Microlensing and Machos
Dr. Kem Cook
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
November 2, 2020 Cooksey Work/Life Balance
Dr. Kathy Cooksey
University of Hawaii at Hilo 
October 15, 2012 Cooksey the Universe in Absorption
Dr. Kathy Cooksey
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
November 14, 2022 Cool An Astronomical Perspective on Globular Clusters, Planet Earth, and the Climate Crisis
Adrienne Cool
San Francisco State University
November 1, 1999 Cool Scrutinizing Star Clusters With Space Observatories
Dr. Adrienne Cool
San Francisco State University
April 6, 2009 Cooley Whispers in the Dark
Dr. Jodi Cooley
Stanford University
November 11, 1985 Coope Frequency Modulation Spectroscopy
Dr. David E. Coope
SRI International
May 3, 2021 Copp Programmable light-matter interactions
Dr. Stacy Copp
UC Irvine
October 14, 2024 Corlies One Path to an Astronomy Outreach Career
Lauren Corlies
Lick Observatory
February 24, 1992 Correll Fusion: Physics, Progress, and Promises
Dr. Don Correll
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
September 30, 2019 Cottrell From Astrophysics to Angel Investor - How Science Helped Me Succeed
Lance Cottrell
April 24, 1989 Cottrell Computer Holography and Image Recognition
Dr. Don M. Cottrell
San Diego State University
