Timothy Martin Heckman

2018 Bruce Medalist
Date of Birth:
Tim Heckman was born in Toledo, Ohio. He earned his B.A. at Harvard College and his Ph.D. in 1978 at the University of Washington, where his thesis, supervised by Bruce Balick, was titled "An Optical and Radio Survey of the Nuclei of Bright Galaxies." After postdoctoral research at Leiden and Arizona, he served on the faculty of the University of Maryland from 1982 to 1988. In 1989 he became a professor at Johns Hopkins University, where he is now the A. Hermann Pfund Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics & Astronomy. For the first five and one-half years at Maryland he was also affiliated with the Space Telescope Science Institute. Heckman has performed spectroscopic and photometric research in optical, radio, and ultraviolet bands. Most of his research has been on galaxies, especially those with active nuclei or starbursts, and on the formation and evolution of stars. He is especially interested in the evolution of galaxies and their relationship to massive black holes. He has often made optical studies of galaxies selected for their radio, infrared or ultraviolet characteristics. He has worked with many collaborators, and he has been active in such large programs as the four surveys of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE), and Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA). He and his colleagues have found evidence for relationships between starbursts, galactic winds, and galaxy evolution and for supermassive black holes at the centers of quiescent galaxies. His work has been influential and widely cited.
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Johns Hopkins University photo by Will Kirk, 2016
Named after him
Other References: Scientific
Heckman, Timothy M., “Population Synthesis Applied to Eight Young Magellanic Cloud Globular Clusters,” Astronomical Journal 79, 1040-46 (1974).
Heckman, T. M., B. Balick, & W.T. Sullivan III, “A survey of H I in Seyfert Galaxies,” Ap.J. 224, 745-60 (1978).
Heckman, T. M., B. Balick, & P.C. Crane, “An Optical and Radio Survey of the Nuclei of Bright Galaxies - Sample Selection and Observations,” Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 40, 295-305 (1980).
Heckman, T. M., “An Optical and Radio Survey of the Nuclei of Bright Galaxies: Stellar Populations and Normal H II Regions,” Astron. Astrophys. 87, 142-51 (1980).
Heckman, T.M., “An Optical and Radio Survey of the Nuclei of Bright Galaxies: Activity in Normal Galactic Nuclei,” Astron. Astrophys. 87, 152-64 (1980).
Heckman, Timothy M., George K. Miley, Wil. J.M. van Breugel, & Harvey R. Butcher, “Emission-line Profiles and Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Region in Seyfert and Radio Galaxies,” Ap.J. 247, 403-18 (1981).
Heckman, T.M., “Optical Emission-Line Gas Associated with Dominant Cluster Galaxies,” Ap.J. 250, L59-L63 (1981).
Balick, Bruce & Timothy M. Heckman, “Extranuclear Clues to the Origin and Evolution of Activity in Galaxies,” Ann. Rev. Astron. & Astrophys. 20, 431-68 (1982).
Weedman, D.W., R.J. Weymann, R.F. Green, & T.M. Heckman, “Discovery of a Third Gravitational Lens,” Ap.J. 255, L5-L9 (1982).
Heckman, T.M., G.K. Miley, B. Balick, W.J.M. van Breugel, & H.R. Butcher, “An Optical and Radio Investigation of the Radio Galaxy 3C 305,” Ap.J. 262, 529-53 (1982).
Van Breugel, Wil, George Miley, & Timothy Heckman, “Studies of Kiloparsec-Scale, Steep-Spectrum Radio Cores. I. VLA maps,” Astronomical Journal 89, 5-22 (1984).
van Breugel, Wil, Timothy Heckman, & George Miley, “Optical Line Emission Associated with the Radio Galaxy 4C 26.42 in the Cluster of Galaxies Abell 1795,” Ap.J. 276, 79-91 (1984).
Bechtold, Jill, et al., “IUE Observations of High-Redshift Quasars,” Ap.J. 281, 76-89 (1984).
Heckman, T.M., G.K. Miley, & R.F. Green, “The Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Region in Active Galaxies And Quasars. III. Correlations with the Broad-Line Region and Radio Emission,” Ap.J. 281, 525-34 (1984).
Heckman, T.M., G.D. Bothun, B. Balick, E.P. Smith, “Low-redshift Quasars as the active Nuclei of Cosmologically Distant Interacting Galaxies: A Spectroscopic Investigation,” Astronomical Journal 89, 958-65 (1984).
van Breugel, Wil, George Miley, Timothy Heckman, Harvey Butcher, & Alan Bridle, “Optical Emission-Line Gas Associated with the Radio Source 3C 277.3,” Ap.J. 290, 496-500, 505-16 (1985).
van Breugel, Wil, Alexei V. Filippenko, Timothy Heckman, & George Miley, “Minkowski's Object: A Starburst Triggered by a Radio Jet,” Ap.J. 293, 83-93 (1985).
Smith, Eric P., T.M. Heckman, G.D. Bothun, W. Romanishin, & B. Balick, “On the Nature of QSO Host Galaxies,” Ap.J. 306, 64-89 (1986).
Heckman, T. M., et al., “Galaxy Collisions and Mergers: The Genesis of Very Powerful Radio Sources?” Ap.J. 311, 526-47 (1986).
McCarthy, Patrick J., Wil van Breugel, & Timothy Heckman, “Evidence for Large-Scale Winds from Starburst Galaxies. I. The Nature of the Ionized Gas in M82 and NGC 253,” Astronomical Journal 93, 264-75 (1987).
Heckman, Timothy M., Lee Armus, & George K. Miley, “Evidence for Large-Scale Winds from Starburst Galaxies. II. An Optical Investigation of Powerful Far-Infrared Galaxies,” Astronomical Journal 93, 276-83 (1987).
Armus, Lee, Timothy Heckman, & George Miley, “Multicolor Optical Imaging Of Powerful Far-Infrared Galaxies: More Evidence for a Link between Galaxy Mergers and Far-Infrared Emission; Astronomical Journal 94, 831-46 (1987).
Baum, Stefi A., Timothy Heckman, Alan Bridle, Wil van Breugel, & George Miley, “Extended Optical-Line-Emitting Gas in Radio Galaxies: Broad-band Optical, Narrow-Band Optical, and Radio Imaging of a Representative Sample,” Ap.J. Supp. 68, 643-714 (1988).
Baum, Stefi A. & Timothy Heckman, “Extended Optical Line Emitting Gas In Powerful Radio Galaxies: Statistical Properties and Physical Conditions,” Ap.J. 336, 681-701 (1989).
Baum, Stefi A. & Timothy Heckman, “Extended Optical Line Emitting Gas in Powerful Radio Galaxies: What is the Radio Emission-Line Connection?” Ap.J. 336, 702-21 (1989).
Heckman, Timothy M., Stefi A. Baum, W.J.M. van Breugel, & Patrick McCarthy, “Dynamical, Physical, and Chemical Properties of Emission-Line Nebulae in Cooling Flows,” Ap.J. 338, 48-77 (1989).
Smith, Eric P. & T.M. Heckman, “Multicolor Surface Photometry of Powerful Radio Galaxies. II. Morphology and Stellar Content,” Ap.J. 341, 658-78 (1989).
Heckman, T.M., L. Blitz, A.S. Wilson, L. Armus, & G.K. Miley, “A Millimeter-Wave Survey of CO Emission in Seyfert Galaxies,” Ap.J. 342, 735-58 (1989).
Franx, Marijn, Garth Illingworth, & Timothy Heckman, “Multicolor Surface Photometry of 17 Ellipticals,” Astronomical Journal 98, 538-76 (1989).
Franx, Marijn, Garth Illingworth, & Timothy Heckman, “Major and Minor Axis Kinematics of 22 Ellipticals,” Ap.J. 344, 613-36 (1989).
Armus, Lee, Timothy M. Heckman, & George K. Miley, “Long-Slit Optical Spectroscopy of Powerful Far-Infrared Galaxies: The Nature of the Nuclear Energy Source,” Ap.J. 347, 727-42 (1989).
Armus, Lee, Timothy M. Heckman, & George K. Miley, “The Optical Emission-Line Nebulae of Powerful Far-Infrared Galaxies,” Ap.J. 364, 471-95 (1990).
Heckman, Timothy M., Lee Armus, & George K. Miley, “On the Nature and Implications of Starburst-Driven Galactic Superwinds,” Ap.J. Supp. 74, 833-68 (1990).
Heckman, Timothy M., Matthew D. Lehnert, Wil van Breugel, & George K. Miley, “Spatially Resolved Optical Images of High-Redshift Quasi-Stellar Objects,” Ap.J. 370, 78-101 (1991).
Baum, S.A.; Heckman, T.M.; & W. van Breugel, “Spectroscopy of Emission-Line Nebulae in Powerful Radio Galaxies: Interpretation,” Ap.J. 389, 208-22 (1992).
Wilson, A.S., J.A. Braatz, T.M. Heckman, J.H. Krolik, & G.K. Miley, “The Ionization Cones in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5728,” Ap.J. 419, L61-L64 (1993).
Heckman, Timothy M., Christopher P. O'Dea, Stefi A. Baum, & Eija Laurikainen, “Obscuration, Orientation, And The Infrared Properties of Radio-Loud Active Galaxies,” Ap.J. 428, 65-81 (1994).
Suchkov, Anatoly A., Dinshaw S. Balsara, Timothy M. Heckman, & Claus Leitherer, “Dynamics and X-ray Emission of a Galactic Superwind Interacting with Disk and Halo Gas,” Ap.J. 430, 511-32 (1994).
De Young, David S. & Timothy M. Heckman, “The Effect of Central Starbursts on the Interstellar Medium of Dwarf Galaxies,” Ap.J. 431, 598-603 (1994).
Marlowe, Amanda T., Timothy M. Heckman, Rosemary F.G. Wyse, & Robert Schommer, “Observations of the Impact of Starbursts on the Interstellar Medium in Dwarf Galaxies,” Ap.J. 438, 563-89 (1995).
Leitherer, Claus & Timothy M. Heckman, “Synthetic Properties of Starburst Galaxies,” Ap.J. Supp. 96, 9-38 (1995).
Lehnert, Matthew D. & Timothy M. Heckman, “Ionized Gas in the Halos of Edge-on, Starburst Galaxies: Data and Results,” Ap.J. Supp. 97, 89-139 (1995).
Heckman, Timothy M., et al., “An X-Ray and Optical Study of the Dwarf Galaxy NGC 1569: Evidence for a Starburst-driven Outflow,” Ap.J. 448, 98-118 (1995).
Leitherer, Claus, Carmelle Robert, & Timothy M. Heckman, “Atlas of Synthetic Ultraviolet Spectra of Massive Star Populations,” Ap.J. Supp. 99, 173-87 (1995).
Heckman, T., et al., “The Nature of the Ultraviolet Continuum in Type 2 Seyfert Galaxies,” Ap.J. 452, 549-64 (1995).
Leitherer, Claus, Henry C. Ferguson, Timothy M. Heckman, & James D. Lowenthal, “The Lyman Continuum in Starburst Galaxies Observed with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope,” Ap.J. 454, L19-L22 (1995).
Meurer, G.R., et al., “Starbursts and Star Clusters in the Ultraviolet,” Astronomical Journal 110, 2665-91 (1995).
Wang, Boqi & Timothy M. Heckman, “Internal Absorption and the Luminosity of Disk Galaxies,” Ap.J. 457, 645-57 (1995).
Lehnert, Matthew D. & Timothy M. Heckman, “Ionized Gas in the Halos of Edge-on Starburst Galaxies: Evidence for Supernova-driven Superwinds,” Ap.J. 462, 651-71 (1996).
Suchkov, A.A., V.G. Berman, T.M. Heckman, & D.S. Balsara, “Mass Loading and Collimation of Galactic Superwinds,” Ap.J. 463, 528-34 (1996).
Leitherer, Claus, et al., “A Database for Galaxy Evolution Modeling, ” PASP 108, 996-1017 (1996) .
Lehnert, Matthew D. & Timothy M. Heckman, “The Nature of Starburst Galaxies,” Ap.J. 472, 546-63 (1996).
Heckman, T.M., et al., “A Powerful Nuclear Starburst in the Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 477: Implications for the Starburst-Active Galactic Nucleus Connection,” Ap.J. 482, 114-32 (1997).
Meurer, Gerhardt R., Timothy M. Heckman, Matthew D. Lehnert, Claus Leitherer, & James Lowenthal, “The Panchromatic Starburst Intensity Limit at Low and High Redshift,” Astronomical Journal 114, 54-68 (1997).
Bower, G.A.;, et al., “Kinematics of the Nuclear Ionized Gas in the Radio Galaxy M84 (NGC 4374),” Ap.J. 492, L111-L114 (1998).
Heckman, Timothy M., Carmelle Robert, Claus Leitherer, Donald R. Garnett, & Fabienne van der Rydt, “The Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Properties of Local Starbursts: Implications at High Redshift,” Ap.J. 503, 646-61 (1998).
González Delgado, Rosa M., et al., “Ultraviolet-Optical Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxies NGC 7130, NGC 5135, and IC 3639: Implications for the Starburst-Active Galactic Nucleus Connection,” Ap.J. 505, 174-98 (1998).
Dahlem, Michael, Kimberly A. Weaver, & Timothy M. Heckman, “An X-Ray Minisurvey of Nearby Edge-on Starburst Galaxies. I. The Data,” Ap.J. Supp. 118, 401-53 (1998).
Fan, Xiaohui, et al., “High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data,” Astronomical Journal 118, 1-13 (1999).
Leitherer, Claus, et al., “Starburst99: Synthesis Models for Galaxies with Active Star Formation,” Ap.J. Supp. 123, 3-40 (1999).
Meurer, Gerhardt R., Timothy M. Heckman, & Daniela Calzetti, “Dust Absorption and the Ultraviolet Luminosity Density at z ≈ 3 as Calibrated by Local Starburst Galaxies,” Ap.J. 521, 64-80 (1999).
Lehnert, Matthew D., Timothy M. Heckman, & Kimberly A. Weaver, “Very Extended X-Ray and Hα Emission in M82: Implications for the Superwind Phenomenon,” Ap.J. 523, 575-84 (1999).
González Delgado, Rosa M., Claus Leitherer, & Timothy M. Heckman, “Synthetic Spectra of H Balmer and He I Absorption Lines. II. Evolutionary Synthesis Models for Starburst and Poststarburst Galaxies,” Ap.J. Supp. 125, 489-509 (1999).
Kurk, J.D., et al., “A Search for Clusters at High Redshift. I. Candidate Lyα Emitters near 1138-262 at z = 2.2,” Astron. & Astrophys. 358, L1-L4 (2000).
Heckman, Timothy M., Matthew D. Lehnert, David K. Strickland, & Lee Armus, “Absorption-Line Probes of Gas and Dust in Galactic Superwinds,” Ap.J. Supp. 129, 493-516 (2000).
Pentericci, L., et al., “A Search for Clusters at High Redshift. II. A Proto Cluster around a Radio Galaxy at z = 2.16,” Astron. & Astrophys. 361, L25-L28 (2000).
York, Donald G., et al., “The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Technical Summary,” Astronomical Journal 120, 1579-87 (2000).
Strickland, David K., Timothy M. Heckman, Kimberly A. Weaver, & Michael Dahlem, “Chandra Observations of NGC 253: New Insights into the Nature of Starburst-driven Superwinds,” Astronomical Journal 120, 2965-74 (2000).
González Delgado, Rosa M., Timothy Heckman, & Claus Leitherer, “The Nuclear and Circumnuclear Stellar Population in Seyfert 2 Galaxies: Implications for the Starburst-Active Galactic Nucleus Connection,” Ap.J. 546, 845-65 (2001).
Heckman, T.M., et al., “FUSE Observations of Outflowing O VI in the Dwarf Starburst Galaxy NGC 1705,” Ap.J. 554, 1021-34 (2001).
Tremonti, Christy A., Daniela Calzetti, Claus Leitherer, & Timothy M. Heckman, “Star Formation in the Field and Clusters of NGC 5253,” Ap.J. 555, 322-37 (2001).
Vanden Berk, Daniel E., et al., “Composite Quasar Spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” Astronomical Journal 122, 549-64 (2001).
Heckman, T.M., et al., “On the Escape of Ionizing Radiation from Starbursts,” Ap.J. 558, 56-62 (2001).
Cid Fernandes, R., T. Heckman, H. Schmitt, R.M. González Delgado, & T. Storchi-Bergmann, “Empirical Diagnostics of the Starburst-AGN Connection,” Ap.J. 558, 81-108 (2001).
Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa; Rosa M. González Delgado, Henrique R. Schmitt, R. Cid Fernandes, & Timothy Heckman, “Circumnuclear Stellar Population, Morphology, and Environment of Seyfert 2 Galaxies: An Evolutionary Scenario,” Ap.J. 559, 147-56 (2001).
Becker, Robert H., et al., “Evidence for Reionization at z ~ 6: Detection of a Gunn-Peterson Trough in a z = 6.28 Quasar,” Astronomical Journal 122, 2850-57 (2001).
Heckman, Timothy M., “Galactic Superwinds Circa 2001,” in J.S. Mulchaey & J Stocke, eds., Extragalactic Gas at Low Redshift, Proceedings of a workshop held at Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, 4-6 April 2001. ASP Conference Proceedings Vol. 254 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2002), pp. 292-304.
Stoughton, Chris, et al., “Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Early Data Release,” Astronomical Journal 123,485-548 (2002).
Schneider, Donald P., et al., “The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog. I. Early Data Release,” Astronomical Journal 123,567-77 (2002).
Goldader, Jeffrey D., et al., “Far-Infrared Galaxies in the Far-Ultraviolet,” Ap.J. 568, 651-78 (2002).
Strickland, David K., Timothy M. Heckman, Kimberly A. Weaver, Charles G. Hoopes, & Michael Dahlem, “Chandra Observations of NGC 253. II. On the Origin of Diffuse X-Ray Emission in the Halos of Starburst Galaxies,” Ap.J. 568, 689-716 (2002).
Venemans, B.P., et al., “The Most Distant Structure of Galaxies Known: A Protocluster at z = 4.1,” Ap.J. 569, L11-L14 (2002).
Martin, Crystal L., Henry A. Kobulnicky, & Timothy M. Heckman, “The Metal Content of Dwarf Starburst Winds: Results from Chandra Observations of NGC 1569,” Ap.J. 574, 663-92 (2002).
Hall, Patrick B., “Unusual Broad Absorption Line Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” Ap.J. Supp. 141, 267-309 (2002).
Heckman, T.M., C.A. Norman, D.K. Strickland, & K.R. Sembach,�“On the Physical Origin of O VI Absorption-Line Systems,” Ap.J. 577, 691-700 (2002).
Bernardi, Mariangela, et al., “Early-Type Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. The Sample,” Astronomical Journal 125,1817-48 (2003).
Bernardi, Mariangela, et al., “Early-Type Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. II. Correlations between Observables,” Astronomical Journal 125,1849-65 (2003).
Bernardi, Mariangela, et al., “Early-Type Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. III. The Fundamental Plane,” Astronomical Journal 125, 1866-81 (2003).
Bernardi, Mariangela, et al., “Early-Type Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. IV. Colors and Chemical Evolution,” Astronomical Journal 125,1882-96 (2003).
Kauffmann, Guinevere. et al., “Stellar Masses and Star Formation Histories for 105 Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” MNRAS 341, 33-53 (2003).
Kauffmann, Guinevere. et al., “The Dependence of Star Formation History and Internal Structure on Stellar Mass for 105 Low-Redshift Galaxies,” MNRAS 341, 54-69 (2003).
Ptak, A., T. Heckman, N.A. Levenson, K. Weaver, & D. Strickland,, “A Chandra Survey of the Nearest Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei or Superstarbursts?” Ap.J. 592, 782-803 (2003).
Abazajian, Kevork, et al., “The First Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” Astronomical Journal 126, 2081-86 (2003).
Zakamska, Nadia L., et al. “Candidate Type II Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Selection and Optical Properties of a Sample at 0.3 < z < 0.83,” Astronomical Journal 126, 2125-44 (2003).
Schneider, Donald P., et al., “The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog. II. First Data Release,” Astronomical Journal 126, 2579-93 (2003).
Kauffmann, Guinevere. et al., “The Host Galaxies of Active Galactic Nuclei,” MNRAS 346, 1055-77 (2003).
Colbert, Edward J.M., Timothy M. Heckman, Andrew F. Ptak, David K. Strickland, & Kimberly A. Weaver, “Old and Young X-Ray Point Source Populations in Nearby Galaxies,” Ap.J. 602, 231-48 (2004).
Strickland, David K., Timothy M. Heckman, Edward J.M. Colbert, Charles G.; Hoopes, & Kimberly A. Weaver, “A High Spatial Resolution X-Ray and Hα Study of Hot Gas in the Halos of Star-forming Disk Galaxies. I. Spatial and Spectral Properties of the Diffuse X-Ray Emission,” Ap.J. Supp. 151, 193-236 (2004).
Strickland, David K., Timothy M. Heckman, Edward J.M. Colbert, Charles G. Hoopes, & Kimberly A. Weaver, “A High Spatial Resolution X-Ray and Hα Study of Hot Gas in the Halos of Star-forming Disk Galaxies. II. Quantifying Supernova Feedback ,” Ap.J. 606, 829-52 (2004).
Abazajian, Kevork, et al., “The Second Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,“ Astronomical Journal 128, 502-12 (2004).
Brinchmann, J., et al., “The Physical Properties of Star-Forming Galaxies in the Low-Redshift Universe,” MNRAS 351, 1151-79 (2004).
Heckman, Timothy M., et al., “Present-Day Growth of Black Holes and Bulges: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Perspective,” Ap.J. 613, 109-18 (2004).
Kauffmann, Guinevere, “The Environmental Dependence of the Relations between Stellar Mass, Structure, Star Formation and Nuclear Activity in Galaxies,” MNRAS 353, 713-31 (2004).
Tremonti, Christy A., et al., “The Origin of the Mass-Metallicity Relation: Insights from 53,000 Star-forming Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” Ap.J. 613, 898-913 (2004).
Martin, D. Christopher, et al., “The Galaxy Evolution Explorer: A Space Ultraviolet Survey Mission,” Ap.J. 619, L1-L6 (2005).
Morrissey, Patrick, et al., “The On-Orbit Performance of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer,” Ap.J. 619, L7-L10 (2005).
Wyder, Ted K., et al., “The Ultraviolet Galaxy Luminosity Function in the Local Universe from GALEX Data,” Ap.J. 619, L15-L18 (2005).
Heckman, Timothy M., et al., “The Properties of Ultraviolet-luminous Galaxies at the Current Epoch,” Ap.J. 619, L35-L38 (2005).
Salim, Samir, et al., “New Constraints on the Star Formation Histories and Dust Attenuation of Galaxies in the Local Universe from GALEX,” Ap.J. 619, L39-L42 (2005).
Arnouts, S., et al., “The GALEX VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey Measurement of the Evolution of the 1500 � Luminosity Function,” Ap.J. 619, L43-L46 (2005).
Schiminovich, D., et al., “The GALEX-VVDS Measurement of the Evolution of the Far-Ultraviolet Luminosity Density and the Cosmic Star Formation Rate,” Ap.J. 619, L47-L50 (2005).
Buat, V., et al., “Dust Attenuation in the Nearby Universe: A Comparison between Galaxies Selected in the Ultraviolet and in the Far-Infrared,“ Ap.J. 619, L51-L54 (2005).
Seibert, Mark, et al., “Testing the Empirical Relation between Ultraviolet Color and Attenuation of Galaxies,” Ap.J. 619, L55-L58 (2005).
Thilker, David A., et al., “Recent Star Formation in the Extreme Outer Disk of M83,” Ap.J. 619, L79-L82 (2005).
Yi, S.K., et al., “Galaxy Evolution Explorer Ultraviolet Color-Magnitude Relations and Evidence of Recent Star Formation in Early-Type Galaxies,” Ap.J. 619, L111-L114 (2005).
Venemans, B.P., et al., “Properties of Lyα Emitters around the Radio Galaxy MRC 0316–257,” Astron. & Astrophys. 431, 793-812 (2005).
Abazajian, Kevork, et al., “The Third Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,“ Astronomical Journal 129, 1755-59 (2004).
Hao, Lei, et al., “Active Galactic Nuclei in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Sample Selection,” Astronomical Journal 129, 1783-94 (2005).
Hao, Lei, et al., “Active Galactic Nuclei in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. II. Emission-Line Luminosity Function,” Astronomical Journal 129, 1795-1808 (2005).
Schneider, Donald P., “The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog. III. Third Data Release,” Astronomical Journal 130, 367-80 (2005).
Best, P.N., G. Kauffmann, T. M. Heckman, & Ž. Ivezič, “A Sample of Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nuclei in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” MNRAS 362, 9-24 (2005).
Best, P. N., “The Host Galaxies of Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nuclei: Mass Dependences, Gas Cooling and Active Galactic Nuclei Feedback,” MNRAS 362, 25-40 (2005).
Heckman, T.M, A. Ptak, A. Hornschemeier, & C. Kauffmann, “The Relationship of Hard X-Ray and Optical Line Emission in Low-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei,” Ap.J. 634, 161-68 (2005).
Iglesias-Páramo, J., et al., “Star Formation in the Nearby Universe: The Ultraviolet and Infrared Points of View,” Ap.J. Supp. 164, 38-51 (2006).
Best, P.N., C.R. Kaiser, T.M. Heckman, & G. Kauffmann, “AGN-Controlled Cooling in Elliptical Galaxies,” MNRAS 368, L67-81 (2006).
Meurer, Gerhardt R., et al., “The Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies. I. Description and Initial Results,” Ap.J. Supp. 165, 307-37 (2006).
Zakamska, Nadia L., et al., “Type II Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. V. Imaging Host Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope,” Astronomical Journal 132, 1496-1516 (2006).
Groves, Brent A., Timothy M. Heckman, & Guinevere Kauffmann, “Emission-line Diagnostics of Low-Metallicity Active Galactic Nuclei,” MNRAS 371, 1559-69 (2006).
Li, Cheng, et al., “The Clustering of Narrow-Line AGN in the Local Universe,” MNRAS 373, 457-68 (2006).
Best, P.N., A. von der Linden, G. Kauffmann, T.M. Heckman, & C.R. Kaiser, “On the Prevalence of Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nuclei in Brightest Cluster Galaxies: Implications for AGN Heating of Cooling Flows,” MNRAS 379, 894-908 (2007).
Zamojski, M.A., et al., “Deep GALEX Imaging of the COSMOS HST Field: A First Look at the Morphology of z ~ 0.7 Star-forming Galaxies,” Ap.J. Supp. 172, 468-93 (2007).
Adelman-McCarthy, Jennifer K., et al., “The Fifth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” Ap.J. Supp. 172, 634-44 (2007).
Gil de Paz, Armando, et al., “The GALEX Ultraviolet Atlas of Nearby Galaxies,” Ap.J. Supp. 173, 185-255 (2007).
Salim, Samir, et al., “UV Star Formation Rates in the Local Universe,” Ap.J. Supp. 173, 267-92 (2007).
Wyder, Ted K., et al., “The UV-Optical Galaxy Color-Magnitude Diagram. I. Basic Properties,” Ap.J. Supp. 173, 293-314 (2007).
Schiminovich, David, et al., “The UV-Optical Color Magnitude Diagram. II. Physical Properties and Morphological Evolution On and Off of a Star-forming Sequence,” Ap.J. Supp. 173, 315-41 (2007).
Martin, D. Christopher, et al., “The UV-Optical Galaxy Color-Magnitude Diagram. III. Constraints on Evolution from the Blue to the Red Sequence,” Ap.J. Supp. 173, 342-56 (2007).
Schawinski, K., et al., “The Effect of Environment on the Ultraviolet Color-Magnitude Relation of Early-Type Galaxies,” Ap.J. Supp. 173, 512-23 (2007).
Boissier, Samuel, et al., “Radial Variation of Attenuation and Star Formation in the Largest Late-Type Disks Observed with GALEX,” Ap.J. Supp. 173, 524-37 (2007).
Thilker, David A., et al., “A Search for Extended Ultraviolet Disk (XUV-Disk) Galaxies in the Local Universe,” Ap.J. Supp. 173, 538-71 (2007).
Kaviraj, S., et al., “UV-Optical Colors As Probes of Early-Type Galaxy Evolution,” Ap.J. Supp. 173, 619-42 (2007).
Morrissey, Patrick, et al., “The Calibration and Data Products of GALEX,” Ap.J. Supp. 173, 682-97 (2007).
Adelman-McCarthy, Jennifer K., et al., “The Sixth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” Ap.J. Supp. 175, 297-313 (2008).
Li, Cheng, Guinevere Kauffmann, Timothy M. Heckman, Y.P. Jing, & Simon D M. White, “Interaction-Induced Star Formation in a Complete Sample of 105 Nearby Star-Forming Galaxies,” MNRAS 385, 1903-14 (2008).
Grimes, J.P., et al., “Observations of Starburst Galaxies With Far-Ultraviolet Spectrographic Explorer: Galactic Feedback in the Local Universe,” Ap.J. Supp. 181, 272-320 (2009).
Meurer, Gerhardt R., et al., “Evidence for a Nonuniform Initial Mass Function in the Local Universe,” Ap.J. 695, 765-80 (2009).
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