Martha Patricia Haynes

2019 Bruce Medalist
Date of Birth:
Martha Haynes was born in Boston. She earned her B.A. at Wellesley College and her Ph.D. in 1978 at Indiana University, where her thesis, supervised by Morton S. Roberts at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Martin S. Burkhead, was titled "An Investigation of the Intergalactic Medium via the 21 cm. Line of Neutral Hydrogen." After postdoctoral research at the Arecibo Observatory, she became an assistant director of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia. Since 1983 she has been on the faculty of Cornell University, where she is currently the Goldwin Smith Professor of Astronomy. While an expert in radio astronomy techniques, she has also observed and used datasets from optical, infrared, ultraviolet, and X-ray bands to study galaxies and clusters of galaxies. She and her colleagues, especially her spouse, Riccardo Giovanelli, and a large number of Ph.D. students, have specialized in the investigation of the formation, evolution, and content of galaxies. They have studied abundances of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen as well as overall gas abundances, and they have related these to the morphology, color and rate of star formation of the galaxies. They have compared the properties of galaxies in everything from rich clusters to loose groups and in isolation. They have used observations of the 21-cm line of neutral atomic hydrogen to determine radial velocities of galaxies to map out supercluster structures in the local universe. They have used the Tully-Fisher relation to determine the opacity of galaxies and their disks as well as to measure deviations from the smooth Hubble expansion and trace the dark matter distribution of large scales. She was one of the leaders of ALFALFA, the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey, where ALFA stands for Arecibo L-band Feed Array, the instrument attached to the 305-m radio dish to detect radio signals from 7 directions in the sky simultaneously. This project ran from 2005 to 2012 and collected data on the neutral hydrogen gas content of some 31,500 extragalactic sources, most of them galaxies. Follow-up observations are continuing with undergraduate students from many institutions participating. This reflects Haynes' strong commitment to undergraduate education, where she has been a leader at Cornell. She currently is one of the leaders of the CCAT collaboration building the CCAT-prime wide-field submillimeter telescope on Cerro Chajnantor in Chile.
Personal Web Page
Other awards
National Academy of Sciences, Henry Draper Medal, 1989 (with Riccardo Giovanelli).
Academic genealogy
Some offices held
International Astronomical Union, Vice President, 2006-12.
2006 birthday party, with Riccardo Giovanelli, by Karen L. Masters
2013, Cornell University
Named after her
Minor Planet #26744 Marthahaynes
Other References: Historical
Search ADS for works about Haynes
Other References: Scientific
Haynes, M. & R. Sramek, “Interferometer Survey of Normal Galaxies,” Astronomical Journal 80, 673 (1975).
Haynes, Martha P., Riccardo Giovanelli, & Morton S. Roberts, “A Detailed Examination of the Neutral Hydrogen Distribution in the Leo Triplet NGC 3632, 3627, and 3628,” Ap.J. 229, 83-90 (1979).
Giovanelli, Riccardo, & Martha P. Haynes, “The H I Extent and Deficiency of Spiral Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster,” Astronomical Journal 88, 881-908 (1983).
Haynes, Martha P. & Riccardo Giovanelli, “Neutral Hydrogen in Isolated Galaxies. IV. Results for the Arecibo Sample,” Astronomical Journal 89, 758-800 (1984).
Giovanelli, Riccardo, & Martha P. Haynes, “Gas Deficiency in Cluster Galaxies: A Comparison of Nine Clusters,” Ap.J. 292, 404-425 (1985).
Giovanelli, Riccardo & Martha P. Haynes, “A 21 cm Survey of the Pisces-Perseus Supercluster. I. The Declination Zone +27.5 to +33.5 Degrees,” Astronomical Journal 90, 2445-73 (1985).
Giovanelli, Riccardo, Martha P. Haynes, & Guido L. Chincarini, “Morphological Segregation in the Pisces-Perseus Supercluster,” Ap.J. 300, 77-92 (1986).
Haynes, Martha P. & Riccardo Giovanelli, “The Pattern of H I Deficiency in the Virgo Cluster,” Ap.J. 306, 466-82 (1986).
Haynes, Martha P. & Riccardo Giovanelli, “The Connection between Pisces-Perseus and the Local Supercluster,” Ap.J. 306, L55-L59 (1986).
Giovanelli, Riccardo, & Martha P. Haynes, “A Protogalaxy in the Local Supercluster,” Ap.J., 346, L5-L7 (1989).
Roberts, Morton S. & Martha P. Haynes, “Physical Parameters along the Hubble Sequence,” Ann. Rev. Astron. & Astrophys. 32, 115-52 (1994).
Giovanelli, Riccardo, Martha P. Haynes, John J. Salzer, Gary Wegner, Luiz N. da Costa & Wolfram Freudling, “Extinction in SC Galaxies,” Astronomical Journal 107, 2036-54 (1994)
Giovanelli, Riccardo, Martha P. Haynes, et al., “The I Band Tully-Fisher Relation for Cluster Galaxies: Data Presentation,” Astronomical Journal 113, 22-52 (1997).
Giovanelli, Riccardo, Martha P. Haynes, et al., “The I Band Tully-Fisher Relation for Cluster Galaxies: A Template Relation, Its Scatter and Bias Corrections,” Ap.J. 306, L55-L59 (1986).
Giovanelli, Riccardo, Martha P. Haynes, Luiz N. da Costa, Wolfram Freudling, John J. Salzer, & Gary Wegner, “The Tully-Fisher Relation and H0,” Ap.J. 477, L1-L4 (1997)
van Zee, Liese, Martha P. Haynes, John J. Salzer, & Adrick H. Broeils, “A Comparative Study of Star Formation Thresholds in Gas-Rich Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Galaxies,” Astronomical Journal 113, 1618-37 (1997).
Guzzo, Luigi, Michael A.Strauss, Karl B. Fisher, Riccardo Giovanelli, & Martha P. Haynes, “Redshift-Space Distortions and the Real-Space Clustering of Different Galaxy Types,” Ap.J. 489, 37-48 (1997).
Haynes, Martha P.; David E. Hogg, Ronald J. Maddalena, Morton S. Roberts, & Liese van Zee, “Asymmetry in High-Precision Global H I Profiles of Isolated Spiral Galaxies,“Astronomical Journal 115, 62-79 (1998).
van Zee, Liese, David Westpfahl, Martha P. Haynes, & John J. Salzer, “The Complex Kinematics of the Neutral Hydrogen Associated with I ZW 18,” Astronomical Journal 115, 1000-15 (1998).
van Zee, Liese; John J. Salzer, & Martha P. Haynes, “Abundances in Spiral Galaxies: Evidence for Primary Nitrogen Production,” Ap.J. 497, L1-L4 (1998).
van Zee, Liese, John J. Salzer, Martha P. Haynes, Aileen A. O'Donoghue, & Thomas J. Balonek, “Spectroscopy of Outlying H II Regions in Spiral Galaxies: Abundances and Radial Gradients,” Astronomical Journal 116, 2805-33 (1998).
Haynes, Martha P., Riccardo Giovanelli, et al., “The I-Band Tully-Fisher Relation for SC Galaxies: 21 Centimeter H I Line Data,” Astronomical Journal 117, 2039-51 (1999).
Solanes, José M., Alberto Manrique, Carlos Garc�a-Gómez, Guillermo González-Casado, Riccardo Giovanelli, & Martha P. Haynes, “The H I Content of Spirals. II. Gas Deficiency in Cluster Galaxies,” Ap.J. 548, 97-113 (2001).
van Zee, Liese, Evan D. Skillman, & Martha P. Haynes, “Rotationally Supported Virgo Cluster Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies: Stripped Dwarf Irregular Galaxies?” Astronomical Journal 128, 121-36 (2004).
Spekkens, Kristine, Riccardo Giovanelli, & Martha P. Haynes, “The Cusp/Core Problem in Galactic Halos: Long-Slit Spectra for a Large Dwarf Galaxy Sample,” Astronomical Journal 129, 2119-37 (2005).
Springob, Christopher M., Martha P. Haynes, Riccardo Giovanelli, & Brian R. Kent, “A Digital Archive of H I 21 Centimeter Line Spectra of Optically Targeted Galaxies,” Ap.J. Supp. 160, 149-62 (2005).
Giovanelli, Riccardo, Martha P. Haynes, et al., “The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey. I. Science Goals, Survey Design, and Strategy,” Astronomical Journal 130, 2598-2612 (2005).
van Zee, Liese & Martha P. Haynes, “Oxygen and Nitrogen in Isolated Dwarf Irregular Galaxies,” Ap.J. 636, 214-39 (2006).
Masters, Karen L., Christopher M. Springob, Martha P. Haynes, & Riccardo Giovanelli, “SFI++ I: A New I-Band Tully-Fisher Template, the Cluster Peculiar Velocity Dispersion, and H0 Ap.J. 653, 861-80 (2006).
Giovanelli, Riccardo, Martha P. Haynes, et al., “The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey. III. H I Source Catalog of the Northern Virgo Cluster Region,” Astronomical Journal 133, 2569-83 (2007).
Springob, Christopher M., Karen L. Masters, Martha P. Haynes, Riccardo Giovanelli, & Christian Marinoni, “SFI++. II. A New I-Band Tully-Fisher Catalog, Derivation of Peculiar Velocities, and Data Set Properties, ” Ap.J. Supp. 172, 599-614 (2007).
Catinella, Barbara, et al., “The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey – I. Gas Fraction Scaling Relations of Massive Galaxies and First Data Release,“MNRAS 403, 683-708 (2010).
Martin, Ann M., Emmanouil Papastergis, Riccardo Giovanelli, Martha P. Haynes, Christopher M. Springob, & Sabrina Stierwalt, “The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey. X. The H I Mass Function and ΩH I from the 40% ALFALFA Survey,” Ap.J. 723, 1359-74 (2010).
Saintonge, Amélie, et al., “COLD GASS, an IRAM Legacy Survey of Molecular Gas in Massive Galaxies – I. Relations between H2, H I, Stellar Content and Structural Properties,” MNRAS 415, 32-60 (2011).
Saintonge, Amélie, et al., “COLD GASS, an IRAM Legacy Survey of Molecular Gas in Massive Galaxies – II. The Non-Universality of the Molecular Gas Depletion Time-Scale,” MNRAS 415, 61-76 (2011).
Papastergis, Emmanouil, Ann M. Martin, Riccardo Giovanelli, & Martha P. Haynes, “The Velocity Width Function of Galaxies from the 40% ALFALFA Survey: Shedding Light on the Cold Dark Matter Overabundance Problem,” Ap.J. 739 id. 38 (2011).
Haynes, Martha P., Riccardo Giovanelli, et al., “The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: The α.40 H I Source Catalog, Its Characteristics and Their Impact on the Derivation of the H I Mass Function,” Astronomical Journal 142, id. 170 (2011).
Huang, Shan, Martha P. Haynes, Riccardo Giovanelli, & Jarle Brinchmann, “The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: The Galaxy Population Detected by ALFALFA,” Ap.J. 756 id. 113 (2012).
Papastergis, Emmanouil, Andrea Cattaneo, Shan Huang, Riccardo Giovanelli, & Martha P. Haynes, “A Direct Measurement of the Baryonic Mass Function of Galaxies and Implications for the Galactic Baryon Fraction,” Ap.J. 759 id. 138 (2012).
Papastergis, E., R. Giovanelli, M.P. Haynes, & F. Shankar, “Is There a ‘Too Big to Fail’ Problem in the Field?,” Astronomy & Astrophysics 574 id. A113 (2015).
Hoffman, G. Lyle, Jayce Dowell, Martha P. Haynes, & Riccardo Giovanelli, “Total ALFALFA Neutral Hydrogen Fluxes for Extended Sources,” Astronomical Journal 157, id. 194 (2019).