Frank Hsia-San Shu

2009 Bruce Medalist
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Frank Shu was born in Kunming, China and came to the United States at the age of six. He grew up in Chicago and West Lafayette, Indiana, and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at age twenty. He earned his Ph.D. in astronomy at Harvard University in 1968 and taught five years at the State University of New York, Stony Brook. From 1973 to 2002 he was on the faculty of the University of California at Berkeley, where he was awarded the prestigious title of University Professor in 1998. From 2002 to 2006 he served as president of National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, a position held by his father thirty years earlier. He then returned to California and joined the faculty at the University of California, San Diego. In 2009 he retired as University Professor and accepted a position as a member of the Science and Technology Advisory Group and Advisor on Energy to the Premier of Taiwan. He is probably best known for work that started with his undergraduate thesis with C.C. Lin: the density wave theory of spiral structure in disk galaxies. He later made important contributions to the theories of mass transfer in interacting binary stars, the dynamics of planetary rings, the formation of stars and planetary systems, and the origin of chondritic meteorites and their short-lived radioactivities. A successful administrator, he served as chair of the astronomy department at Berkeley and greatly expanded Tsing Hua University during his term as president. His textbook, The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy, has been widely used by both undergraduate and graduate students for more than 25 years. In his last years, he worked on climate change.
Personal Web Page
at the University of California, San Diego
Presentation of Bruce medal
Mercury 38, 2, 34 (2009).
Other awards
American Astronomical Society, Warner prize, 1977; Henry Norris Russell lectureship, 2023.
American Astronomical Society Division on Dynamical Astronomy, Dirk Brouwer Career Award, 1996.
American Institute of Physics & American Astronomical Society, Dannie Heineman Prize for Astrophysics, 2000.
Shaw Prize Foundation, Shaw Prize, 2009.
Some offices held
American Astronomical Society, President, 1994-96.
Biographical materials
Absolute Astronomy
Raw Science, Who is Dr. Frank Shu? Noted Astrophysicist on Alternative Energies (video, 2014)
Shu, Frank, Autobiography on receiving the Shaw Prize, 2009
Academica Sinica
Adams, Fred & Lin, Douglas, Nature 618, 237 (2023).
Kang-chun, Lu, Yang Shiu-min & Evelyn Yang, Academia Sinica, 25 April 2023.
Academic genealogy
AIP Center for History of Physics
A 2009 photo, courtesy of Prof. Shu
Named after him
Lin-Shu Density Wave Theory (with C.C. Lin)
Minor Planet #18238 Frankshu
Other References: Historical
Shu, Frank Hsia-San, "Chia-Chiao Lin (1916 – 2013)" [obituary]
Search ADS for works about Shu
Other References: Scientific
Lin, C.C. & Frank H. Shu, “On the Spiral Structure of Disk Galaxies,” Ap.J. 140, 646-55 (1964).
Lin, C.C. & L. Mestel, & F.H. Shu, “The Gravitational Collapse of a Uniform Spheroid,” Ap.J. 142, 1431-46 (1965).
Lin, C.C. & Frank H. Shu, “On the Spiral Structure of Disk Galaxies, II. Outline of a Theory of Density Waves,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 55, 229-34 (1966).
Lin, C.C. & Frank H. Shu, “Density Waves in Disk Galaxies, ” in Hugo van Woerden, ed., Radio Astronomy and the Galactic System, Proceedings from IAU Symposium no. 31 held in Noordwijk, Netherlands (Academic Press, London, 1967), pp. 313-17.
Shu, Frank Hsia-San, “The Dynamics and Large-Scale Structure of Spiral Galaxies,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 1968.
Lin, C.C., C. Yuan, C., & Frank H. Shu, “On the Spiral Structure of Disk Galaxies. III. Comparison with Observations,” Ap.J. 155, 721-46 (1969) [Erratum].
Shu, Frank H., “Models of Partially Relaxed Stellar Disks,” Ap.J. 158, 505-18 (1969)Shu, Frank H., “On the Density-Wave Theory of Galactic Spirals. I. Spiral Structure as a Normal Mode of Oscillation,” Ap.J. 160, 89-97 (1970).
Shu, Frank H., “On the Density-Wave Theory of Galactic Spirals. II. The Propagation of the Density of Wave Action,” Ap.J. 160, 99-112 (1970).
Lin, C.C. & F.H.-S. Shu, “Density Wave Theory of Spiral Structure,” Astrophysics and General Relativity 2, 35 -329 (1971).
Shu, Frank H., Robert V. Stachnik, & Jonathan C. Yost, “On the Density-Wave Theory of Galactic Spirals. III. Comparisons with External Galaxies,” Ap.J. 166, 465-81 (1971).
Shu, Frank H., Vincenzo Milione, William Gebel, C. Yuan, D.W. Goldsmith, & W.W. Roberts, “Galactic Shocks in an Interstellar Medium with Two Stable Phases” Ap.J. 173, 557-92 (1972).
Roberts, W.W., Jr. & F.H. Shu, “The Role of Gaseous Dissipation in Density Waves of Finite Amplitude,” Astrophysical Letters, 12, 49-52 (1972).
Shu, F.H., “On the Genetic Relation Between Interstellar Clouds and Dust Clouds,” in J.M. Greenberg & H.C. van de Hulst, eds., Interstellar Dust and Related Topics. IAU Symposium no. 52, held at the State University of New York at Albany, Albany, N.Y., U.S.A. (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1973), pp. 257-262.
Shu, Frank H., Vincenzo Milione, & William W. Roberts, Jr., “Nonlinear Gaseous Density Waves and Galactic Shocks,” Ap.J. 183, 819-42 (1973).
Shu, Frank H., “The Parker Instability in Differentially-rotating Disks,” Astronomy & Astrophysics 33, 55-72 (1974).
Mouschovias, T.Ch., F.H. Shu, & P.R. Woodward, “On the Formation of Interstellar Cloud Complexes, OB Associations and Giant H II Regions,” Astronomy & Astrophysics 33, 73-77 (1974).
Roberts, William W., Jr., Morton S. Roberts, & Frank H. Shu, “Density Wave Theory and the Classification of Spiral Galaxies,” Ap.J. 196, 381-97 (1975).
Lubow, Stephen H. & Frank H. Shu, “Gas Dynamics of Semidetached Binaries,” Ap.J. 198, 383-405 (1975).
Lubow, Stephen H. & Frank H. Shu, “Gas Dynamics of Semidetached Binaries. II. The Vertical Structure of the Stream,” Ap.J. 207, L53-L55 (1976).
Shu, Frank H., Stephen H. Lubow, & Lawrence Anderson, “On the Structure of Contact Binaries. I. The Contact Discontinuity,” Ap.J. 209, 536-46 (1976).
Shu, Frank H., “Self-similar Collapse of Isothermal Spheres and Star Formation,” Ap.J. 214, 488-97 (1977).
Anderson, Lawrence & Frank H. Shu, “On the Light Curves of W Ursae Majoris Stars, ” Ap.J. 214, 798-808 (1977).
Lubow, Stephen H. & Frank H. Shu, “On the Structure of Contact Binaries. II. Zero-age Models,” Ap.J. 216, 517-25 (1977).
Shu, Frank H., “On the Statistical Mechanics of Violent Relaxation,” Ap.J. 225, 83-94 (1978).
Allen, Ronald J. & Frank H. Shu, “The Extrapolated Central Surface Brightness of Galaxies,” Ap.J. 227, 67-72 (1979).
Shu, Frank H., Stephen H. Lubow, & Lawrence Anderson, “On the Structure of Contact Binaries. III. Mass and Energy Flow,” Ap.J. 229, 223-41 (1979).
Lubow, Stephen H. & Frank H. Shu, “On the Structure of Contact Binaries. IV. High-mass Models,” Ap.J. 229, 657-60 (1979).
Anderson, Lawrence & Frank H. Shu, “A Theoretical Atlas of Light Curves and Rotation Broadening Functions for Contact Binary Stars, ” Ap.J. Supp. 40, 667-97 (1979).
Blitz, Leo & Frank H. Shu, “The Origin and Lifetime of Giant Molecular Cloud Complexes,” Ap.J. 238, 148-57 (1980).
Stahler, Steven W., Frank H. Shu, & Ronald E. Taam, “The Evolution of Protostars. I. Global Formulation and Results,” Ap.J. 241, 637-54 (1980).
Stahler, Steven W., Frank H. Shu, & Ronald E. Taam, “The Evolution of Protostars. II. The Hydrostatic Core,” Ap.J. 242, 226-41 (1980).
Shu, Frank H. & Stephen H. Lubow, “Mass, Angular Momentum, and Energy Transfer in Close Binary Stars,” Ann. Revs. Astron. & Astrophys. 19, 277-93 (1981) [erratum].
Cuzzi, Jeffrey N., Jack J. Lissauer, & Frank H. Shu, “Density Waves in Saturn’s Rings,” Nature 292, 703-07 (1981).
Lissauer, Jack J., Frank H. Shu, & Jeffrey N. Cuzzi, “Moonlets in Saturn’s Rings?,” Nature 292, 707-11 (1981).
Stahler, Steven W., Frank H. Shu, & Ronald E. Taam, “The Evolution of Protostars. III. The Accretion Envelope,” Ap.J. 248, 727-37 (1981).
Shu, Frank H., Jeffrey N. Cuzzi, & Jack J. Lissauer, “Bending waves in Saturn’s rings,” Icarus 53, 185-206 (1983).
Shu, Frank H., “Ambipolar Diffusion in Self-gravitating Isothermal Layers,” Ap.J. 273, 202-13 (1981).
Shu, Frank H. & Susan Terebey, “The Formation of Cool Stars from Cloud Cores,” in S.L. Baliunas & L. Hartmann, eds., Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, Proceedings of the Third Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, Held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 5-7, 1983 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1984) , p. 78.
Adams, Fred C. & Frank H. Shu, “Infrared Spectra of Rotating Protostars,” Ap.J. 308, 836-53 (1986).
Shu, Frank H., Fred C. Adams, & Susana Lizano, “Star Formation in Molecular Clouds: Observation and Theory,” Ann. Revs. Astron. & Astrophys. 25, 23-81 (1981).
Benney, D.J., Frank H. Shu, & Yuan Chi, eds., Selected papers of C. C. Lin. Volume 1: Fluid mechanics and Applied Mathematics. Volume 2: Astrophysics (World Scientific, Singapore, 1987).
Adams, Fred C., Charles J. Lada, & Frank H. Shu, “Spectral Evolution of Young Stellar Objects, ” Ap.J. 312, 788-806 (1987).
Shu, Frank H., “Summary of Symposium: Low Luminosity Sources,” in C.J.L. Persson, ed., Star Formation in Galaxies, Proceedings of a Conference at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, June 16-19, 1986 (NASA Conference Pub. 2466, NASA, Washington, DC, 1987), pp. 743-52.
Adams, Fred C., Frank H. Shu, & Charles J. Lada,“The Disks of T Tauri Stars with Flat Infrared Spectra, ” Ap.J. 326, 865-83 (1988).
Lizano, Susana, Carl Heiles, Luis F. Rodriguez, Bon-Chul Koo, Frank H. Shu, T. Hasegawa, S. Hayashi, & I.F. Mirabel,“Neutral Stellar Winds that Drive Bipolar Outflows in Low-mass Protostars,” Ap.J. 328, 763-76 (1988).
Shu, Frank H., Susana Lizano, Steven P. Ruden, &Joan Najita, “Mass Loss from Rapidly Rotating Magnetic Protostars,” Ap.J. 328, L19-L23 (1988).
Lizano, Susana & Frank H. Shu, “Molecular Cloud Cores and Bimodal Star Formation,” Ap.J. 342, 834-54 (1989).
Adams, Fred C., Steven P. Ruden, & Frank H. Shu,“Eccentric Gravitational Instabilities in Nearly Keplerian Disks, ” Ap.J. 347, 959-76 (1989).
Lada, Charles J. & Frank H. Shu, “The Formation of Sunlike Stars,” Science 248, 564-72 (1990).
Shu, Frank H., Scott Tremaine, Fred C. Adams, & Steven P Ruden, “Sling Amplification and Eccentric Gravitational Instabilities in Gaseous Disks,” Ap.J. 358, 495-514 (1990).
Ruden, Steve P., Alfred E. Glassgold, & Frank H. Shu, “Thermal Structure of Neutral Winds from Young Stellar Objects,” Ap.J. 361, 546-69 (1990).
Shu, Frank H., “Star Formation — A Theoretician’s View,” in David L. Lambert, ed., Frontiers of Stellar Evolution (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 1991), pp. 23-44.
Shu, Frank H., The Physics of Astrophysics, vols. 1 and 2 (University Science Books, Mill Valley, CA, 1991).
Shu, Frank H., Steven P. Ruden, charles J. Lada, & Susana Lizano, “Star Formation and the Nature of Bipolar Outflows,” Ap.J. 370, L31-L34 (1991).
Ostriker, Eve, Frank H. Shu, & Fred C. Adams, “Near-resonant Excitation and Propagation of Eccentric Density Waves by External Forcing,” Ap.J. 399, 192-212 (1992).
Giz, Ahmet T. & Frank H. Shu, “Parker Instability in a Realistic Gravitational Field,” Ap.J. 404, 185-96 (1993).
Carr, John S., Alan T. Tokunaga, Joan Najita, Frank H. Shu, & Alfred E. Glassgold, “The Inner-disk and Stellar Properties of the Young Stellar Object WL 16,” Ap.J. 411, L37-L40 (1993).
Galli, Daniele & Frank H. Shu, “Collapse of Magnetized Molecular Cloud Cores. I. Semianalytical Solution,” Ap.J. 417, 220-42 (1993) and “II. Numerical Results,” Ap.J. 417, 243-58 (1993).
Shu, Frank H., Doug Johnstone, & David Hollenbach, “Photoevaporation of the Solar Nebula and the Formation of the Giant Planets,” Icarus 106, 92-101 (1993).
Hollenbach, David, Doug Johnstone, Susana Lizano, & Frank H. Shu, “Photoevaporation of Disks around Massive Stars and Application to Ultracompact H II regions,” Ap.J. 428, 654-69 (1994).
Shu, Frank, Joan Najita, Eve Ostriker, Frank Wilkin, Steven Ruden, & Susana Lizano, “Magnetocentrifugally Driven Flows from Young Stars and Disks. I. A Generalized Model,” Ap.J. 429, 781-96 (1994).
Shu, Frank H., Joan Najita, Steven P. Ruden, & Susana Lizano, “Magnetocentrifugally Driven Flows from Young Stars and Disks. II. Formulation of the Dynamical Problem,” Ap.J. 429, 797-807 (1994).
Najita, Joan R. & Frank H. Shu, “Magnetocentrifugally Driven Flows from Young Stars and Disks. III. Numerical Solution of the Sub-Alfvénic Region,” Ap.J. 429, 808-25 (1994).
Ostriker, Eve C. & Frank H. Shu, ““Magnetocentrifugally Driven Flows from Young Stars and Disks. IV. The Accretion Funnel and Dead Zone,” Ap.J. 447, 813-28 (1995).
Shu, Frank H., Joan Najita, Eve C. Ostriker, & Hsien Shang, “Magnetocentrifugally Driven Flows from Young Stars and Disks. V. Asymptotic Collimation into Jets,” Ap.J. 455, L155-L158 (1995).
Shu, Frank H., Hsien Shang, & Typhoon Lee, “Toward an Astrophysical Theory of Chondrites,” Science 271, 1545-52 (1996).
Najita, Joan, John S. Carr, Alfred E. Glassgold, Frank H. Shu, & Alan T. Tokunaga, “ Kinematic Diagnostics of Disks around Young Stars: CO Overtone Emission from WL 16 and 1548C27,” Ap.J. 462, 919-36 (1996).
Li, Zhi-Yun & Frank H. Shu, “Interaction of Wide-Angle MHD Winds with Flared Disks,” Ap.J. 468, 261-68 (1996).
Li, Zhi-Yun & Frank H. Shu, “Magnetized Singular Isothermal Toroids,” Ap.J. 472, 211-24 (1996).
Shu, F.H., “Molecules in Star Formation,” in E.F. van Dishoeck, ed., Molecules in Astrophysics: Probes and Processes. IAU Symposium No. 178 (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1997), pp. 19-30.
Shu, Frank H., Hsien Shang, Alfred E. Glassgold & Typhoon Lee, “X-rays and Fluctuating X-Winds from Protostars,” Science 277, 1475-79 (1997).
Li, Zhi-Yun & Frank H. Shu, “Self-similar Collapse of an Isopedic Isothermal Disk,” Ap.J. 475, 237-50 (1997).
Shu, Frank H. & Zhi-Yun Li, “Magnetic Forces in an Isopedic Disk,” Ap.J. 475, 251-59 (1997).
Shang, Hsien, Frank H. Shu, & Alfred E. Glassgold, “Synthetic Images and Long-slit Spectra of Protostellar Jets,” Ap.J. 493, L91-L94 (1998).
Lee, Typhoon, Frank H. Shu, Hsien Shang, Alfred E. Glassgold, & K.E. Rehm, “Protostellar Cosmic Rays and Extinct Radioactivities in Meteorites,” Ap.J. 506, 898-912 (1998).
Shu, Frank H., Anthony Allen, Hsien Shang, Eve C. Ostriker, & Zhi-Yun Li, “Low-Mass Star Formation: Theory,” in C.J. Lada & N.D. Kylafis, eds., The Origin of Stars and Planetary Systems (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999), pp. 193-226.
Shu, Frank H., Gregory Laughlin, Susana Lizano, & Daniele Galli, “Singular Isothermal Disks. I. Linear Stability Analysis,” Ap.J. 535190-210 (2000).
Shu, F.H., J.R. Najita, H. Shang, & Z.-Y. Li, “X-Winds Theory and Observations,” in V. Mannings, A.P. Boss, & S.S. Russell, eds., Protostars and Planets IV (Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2000), pp. 789ff.
Galli, D., F.H. Shu, G. Laughlin, & S. Lizano, “Singular Isothermal Disks and the Formation of Multiple Stars,” in Thierry Montmerle and Philippe André, eds., From Darkness to Light: Origin and Evolution of Young Stellar Clusters, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 243 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2001), pp.93-102.
Shu, Frank H., Hsien Shang, Matthieu Gounelle, Alfred E. Glassgold, & Typhoon Lee, “The Origin of Chondrules and Refractory Inclusions in Chondritic Meteorites,” Ap.J. 548, 1029-50 (2001).
Gounelle, Matthieu, Frank H. Shu, Hsien Shang, A.E. Glassgold, K.E. Rehm, & Typhoon Lee, “Extinct Radioactivities and Protosolar Cosmic Rays: Self-Shielding and Light Elements,” Ap.J. 548, 1051-70 (2001).
Galli, Daniele, Frank H. Shu, Gregory Laughlin, & Susana Lizano, “Singular Isothermal Disks. II. Nonaxisymmetric Bifurcations and Equilibria,” Ap.J. 551, 367-86 (2001).
Shang, Hsien, Alfred E. Glassgold, Frank H. Shu, & Susana Lizano, “Heating and Ionization of X-Winds,” Ap.J. 564, 853-76 (2002).
Mohanty, Subhanjoy, Gibor Basri, Frank Shu, France Allard, & Gilles Chabrier, “Activity in Very Cool Stars: Magnetic Dissipation in Late M and L Dwarf Atmospheres,“ Ap.J. 571, 469-86 (2002).
Youdin, Andrew N. & Frank H. Shu, “Planetesimal Formation by Gravitational Instability,” Ap.J. 580, 494-505 (2002).
Shu, Frank H., Susana Lizano, Daniele Galli, Jorge Cantó, & Gregory Laughlin, “Self-similar Champagne Flows in H II Regions,” Ap.J. 580, 969-79 (2002).
Chakrabarti, S., G. Laughlin, & F.H. Shu, “Branch, Spur, and Feather Formation in Spiral Galaxies,” Ap.J. 596, 220-39 (2003).
Allen, Anthony, Zhi-Yun Li, & Frank H. Shu, “Collapse of Magnetized Singular Isothermal Toroids. II. Rotation and Magnetic Braking,” Ap.J. 599, 363-79 (2003).
Shu, Frank H., Sukanya Chakrabarti, & Gregory Laughlin, Chaos in Spiral Galaxies (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2004).
Shu, Frank H., Zhi-Yun Li, & Anthony Allen, “Does Magnetic Levitation or Suspension Define the Masses of Forming Stars?” Ap.J. 601, 930-51 (2004).
Gounelle, Matthieu, Frank H. Shu, Hsien Shang, A.E. Glassgold, K.E. Rehm, & Typhoon Lee, “The Irradiation Origin of Beryllium Radioisotopes and Other Short-lived Radionuclides,” Ap.J. 640, 1163-70 (2006).
Shu, Frank H., Susana Lizano, Daniele Galli, Mike J. Cai, & Subhanjoy Mohanty, “The Challenge of Sub-Keplerian Rotation for Disk Winds,” Ap.J. 682, L121-L124 (2008).
Mohanty, Subhanjoy & Frank H. Shu, “Magnetocentrifugally Driven Flows from Young Stars and Disks. VI. Accretion with a Multipole Stellar Field,” Ap.J. 687, 1323-38 (2008).
Galli, Daniele, Frank H. Shu, Susana Lizano, & Michael J. Cai, “The Role of Magnetic Fields in the Protostellar Accretion Phase,” in B. Bertin, et al., eds., Plasmas in the Laboratory and the Universe: Interactions, Patterns, and Turbulence (AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1242, 2010). , pp. 231-42 (2010).
Lee, Wing-Kit & Frank H. Shu, “Feathering Instability of Spiral Arms. I. Formulation of the Problem,” Ap.J. 756, id. 45 (2012).
Shu, Frank H, “Six Decades of Spiral Density Wave Theory,” Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 54, 667-724 (2016).
Other Works: Popularizations, History, Textbooks , etc.
Shu, Frank H., “Spiral Structure, Dust Clouds, and Star Formation,” American Scientist 61, 524-36 (1973).
Shu, Frank H., The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy (University Science Books, Mill Valley, CA, 1982).
Shu, Frank H., “The Expanding Universe and the Largescale Geometry of Spacetime,” Mercury 12, 6, 162 (1983).
Shu, Frank H., “The Cosmos,” in Encyclopaedia Britannica 16, 816-49 (1987).
Shu, Frank H., “The Theory of Protostars,” in S.P. Maran, ed., The Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia, pp. 562-64 (1992).
Shu, Frank H., “C.C. Lin’s Influence on Modern Ideas in Star Formation,” in K.S. Cheng and K.L. Chan, eds., Proceedings of the 21st Century Chinese Astronomy Conference, held August 1-4, 1996 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997), pp. 21ff.
Shu, Frank H., “Our Changing Society,” in David H. DeVorkin, ed., The American Astronomical Society’s First Century (American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD, 1999), pp. 307-11.
Shu, Frank H., “Global Change and the Energy Crisis,” Scientific American Taiwan Special Issue, Dec. 2008, pp. 4-33.