Edward Charles Pickering

1908 Bruce Medalist
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Edward C. Pickering, was born in Boston and earned his B.S. in physics at the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University at 19. He taught physics for ten years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he built the first instructional physics laboratory in the United States. Appointed at age thirty, he directed the Harvard College Observatory for forty-two years. He and his staff made visual photometric studies of 45,000 stars. He personally made some 1.4 million photometric meaurements. With funds provided by Henry Draper’s widow, Anna Palmer Draper, he hired a number of women, including Williamina P. Fleming, Annie J. Cannon, Antonia Maury, and Henrietta S. Leavitt, and produced the Henry Draper Catalogue, with objective prism spectra of hundreds of thousands of stars classified according to Cannon’s “Harvard sequence.” He established a station in Peru to make the southern photographs and published the first all-sky photographic map. He and Hermann Carl Vogel independently discovered the first spectroscopic binary stars. He also discovered a new series of spectral lines which turned out to be due to ionized helium. He was a leader in applying photography to astronomy, building large data sets for future scientists to use, fundraising, organization of large projects, and promoting astronomy to the public. Pickering encouraged amateur astronomers and was a founder of the American Association of Variable Star Observers.
Presentation of Bruce medal
Cushing, Charles A., PASP 20, 55-63 (1908).
Other awards
American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Rumford prize, 1891.
Government of Germany, Order Pour le Merite for Arts and Sciences, 1911.
National Academy of Sciences, Henry Draper Medal, 1888.
Royal Astronomical Society, Gold medal, 1886, 1901, presented by E.B. Knobel, MNRAS 61, 293-305 (1901).
Some offices held
American Association for the Advancement of Science, President, 1912.
American Astronomical Society, President, 1905-19.
Biographical materials
Bailey, Solon I., Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Science 15, 169-89 (1932).
Plotkin, Howard, Dictionary of Scientific Biography 10, 599-601.
Plotkin, Howard, “Edward Charles Pickering,” Journal for the History of Astronomy 21, 47-58 (1990).
Stone, Horace A., Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers (Springer, NY, 2007), pp. 905-07.
Tenn, Joseph S., “Edward Pickering: The Seventh Bruce Medalist,” Mercury 20, 1, 26 (1991).
American Association of Variable Star Observers, Memorial to Edward Charles Pickering (AAVSO, Norwich, CT, 1920).
Bailey, S.I., Ap.J. 50, 233-44 (1919).
Campbell, W.W. , PASP 31, 73-76 (1919).
Cannon, Annie J., Popular Astronomy 27, 177 (1919).
King, Edward S., JRASC 13, 165-73 (1919).
Turner, H.H., MNRAS 80, 360-65 (1920).
AIP Center for History of Physics (several)
Caltech Archives
MIT Physics Department history
Steinicke, Wolfgang
U.S. Naval Observatory Library
Named after him
Lunar crater Pickering
Martian crater Pickering
Minor Planet #784 Pickeringia
Pickering series of spectral lines of ionized helium
Papers, etc.
Pickering’s papers are at the Harvard University Archives.
Other References: Historical
Bailey, Solon I., History and Work of the Harvard College Observatory, 1839 to 1927 (McGraw-Hill, NY, 1931).
DeVorkin, David, H., “Community and Spectral Classification in Astrophysics: The Acceptance of E.C. Pickering’s System in 1910,” Isis 72, 1, 29-49 (1981).
Fernie, J. Donald, “In Search of Better Skies: Harvard in Peru,” American Scientist 88, 396 (Sep-Oct 2000); 89, 123 (Mar-Apr 2001); and 89, 402 (Sept-Oct 2001).
Hearnshaw, J. B., The Analysis of Starlight: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Astronomical Spectroscopy (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1986).
Hearnshaw, J. B., The Measurement of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical Photometry (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1996).
Hentschel, Klaus, “The Culture of Visual Representations in Spectroscopic Education and Laboratory Instruction,” Physics in Perspective 1, 282-327 (1999).
Hoffleit, Dorrit, “E. C. Pickering in the History of Variable Star Astronomy,” JAAVSO 1, 3–8 (1972).
James, C. Renée, “Edward and Mina,” Astronomy 30, 7, 36 (July 2002).
Jones, Bessie Zaban and Lyle Gifford Boyd, The Harvard College Observatory: The First Four Directorships 1839-1919 (Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1971).
Lafortune, Keith R., Women at the Harvard College Observatory, 1877-1919: “Women’s Work,” the “New” Sociality of Astronomy, and Scientific Labor (M.A. Thesis , University of Notre Dame, 2001). [available on ProQuest, to which many have access via university library subscriptions].
Mack, Pamela E. “Strategies and Compromises: Women in Astronomy at Harvard College Observatory, 1870-1920,” Journal for the History of Astronomy 21, 65-75 (1990).
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, History of the Physics Department
Plotkin, Howard, “Edward C. Pickering, the Henry Draper Memorial, and the Beginnings of Astrophysics in America,” Annals of Science, 35, 365-377 (1978).
Plotkin, Howard, “Edward C. Pickering’s ‘Diary of a Trip to Pasadena to Attend Meetings of Solar Union, August, 1910,’” Southern California Quarterly, 60, 29-44 (1978).
Plotkin, Howard, “Edward C. Pickering and the Endowment of Scientific Research in America, 1877-1918,” Isis 69, 44-57 (1978).
Plotkin, Howard, “Edward C. Pickering’s ‘Diary of a Visit to the Harvard College Observatory, 14 November 1861,’” Harvard Library Bulletin 28, 282-290 (1980).
Plotkin, Howard, “Henry Draper, Edward C. Pickering, and the Birth of American Astrophysics,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 395, 321-330 (1982).
Tenn, Joseph S., “The Hugginses, the Drapers, and the Rise of Astrophysics,” Griffith Observer 50, 10, 2-15 (1986).
Welther, Barbara L., “Pickering’s Harem,” Isis, 73, 94 (1982).
Search ADS for works about Pickering
Other References: Scientific
Pickering, Edward C., Compilation of the Papers on Physics, written by Professor Edward C. Pickering. 1865-1877 (Cambridge, MA, 1877).
Pickering, Edward C., Obs. of the corona during the eclipse. Aug. 7, 1869 (1869).
Pickering, Edward C., “The Spectrum of the Aurora,” Nature 3, 104-05 (1870).
Pickering, Edward C., “Physical Laboratories,” Nature 3, 241 (1871).
Pickering, Edward C., Elements of Physical Manipulation, vol. 1 and vol. 2 (Houghton, Mifflin, Boston, 1873, 1875, 1882, 1883, 1884).
Pickering, Edward C., A Nebula Photometer (New Haven, CT, 1876).
Pickering, Edward C., “Stellar Magnitudes; A Request to Astronomers,” MNRAS 39, 391-93 (1879).
Pickering, Edward C., “Two New Planetary Nebulæ,” Nature 22, 327-28 (1880).
Pickering, Edward C., Statement of Work Done at the Harvard College Observatory during the Years 1877-1882 (J. Wilson & Son, University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1882).
Pickering, E.C., A Plan for Securing Observations of the Variable Stars (J. Wilson & Son, University Press, Cambridge, 1882).
Pickering, Edward C., “The Meridian Photometer,” MNRAS 42, 365-67 (1882).
Pickering, Edward C., “The Wedge Photometer,” Observatory 5, 231-33 (1882).
Pickering, Edward C., “A Plan for Securing Observations of the Variable Stars,” Observatory 6, 46-51 and 79-82 (1883).
Pickering, Edward C., “Astronomical Photography,” Observatory 6, 149-50 (1883).
Pickering, Edward Charles, Arthur Searle, & Oliver Clinton Wendell, “Observations with the Meridian Photometer during the Years 1879-82,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, 14, ji-iv, 1-512 (1884).
Pickering, Edward C., A Plan for the Extension of Astronomical Research (J. Wilson & Son, University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1886).
Pickering, E.C., “Photographic Chart of the Heavens,” Observatory 12, 375-76 (1889).
Pickering, Edward Charles, “Detection of New Nebulae by Photography,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 18, 113-117 (1890).
Pickering, Edward C. & Oliver Clinton Wendell, “Results of Observations with the Meridian Photometer during the Years 1882-88,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, 24 i-vi, 1-267 (1890).
Pickering, E.C., “On the Spectrum of Zeta Ursae Majoris,” Observatory 13, 80-81 (1890).
Pickering, E.C., “a New Class of Binary Stars,” MNRAS 50, 296-98 (1890).
Pickering, Edward C., “The Draper Catalogue of Stellar Spectra, Photographed with the 8-inch Bache Telescope as a Part of the Henry Draper Memorial,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, 27, i - vi, 1-388 (1890).
Pickering, E.C., “Spectrum of Beta Lyrae,” Observatory 14, 341-43 (1891).
Pickering, Edward C., “Preparation and Discussion of the Draper Catalogue,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 26, 1-192 (1891)..
Pickering, Edward C., “Time-service of Harvard College Observatory,” Science 19, 87-89 (1892).
Pickering, Edward C., “A Large Southern Telescope,” Science 20, 193-94 (1892).
Pickering, E.C., “The New Star in Auriga,” Astron. & Astro-Phys. 11, 228-31 (1892).
Pickering, Edward C., “Discovery of Variable Stars from their Photographic Spectra.,” Ap.J. 1, 27-28 (1895).
Pickering, Edward C., “A New Form of Stellar Photometer,” Ap.J. 2, 89-96 (1895).
Pickering, Edward C., “Light Curves of Variables Stars Determined Photometrically,” Ap.J. 3, 281-85 (1896).
Pickering, Edward C., “Eye-Estimates of Stellar Magnitude,” Ap.J. 4, 305-06 (1896).
Pickering, Edward C., “The Spectrum of Zeta Puppis,” Ap.J. 5, 92-94 (1897).
Pickering, Edward C., “Stars Having Peculiar Spectra,” Ap.J. 5, 350-53 (1897).
Maury, Antonia C. & Edward C. Pickering, “Spectra of bright stars photographed with the 11-inch Draper Telescope as part of the Henry Draper Memorial,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 28, 1-128 (1897).
Pickering, Edward C., “A New Form of Photographic Telescope,” Ap.J. 9, 175-78 (1899).
Pickering, Edward C., “The New Star in Perseus,” Nature 63, 497-98 (1901).
Pickering, Edward C., “A Photometric Durchmusterung, Including All Stars of the Magnitude 7.5 and Brighter North of Declination –40 Observed with the Meridian Photometer during the Years 1895-98,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 45, 1-330 (1901).
Pickering, Edward C., “The Spectrum of Zeta Puppis,” Ap.J. 13, 230-32 (1901).
Pickering, Edward C., “The Comet B, 1902, and the Mass of Mercury,” Science 16, 797-98 (1902).
Pickering, Edward C., “Revised Harvard Photometry : A Catalogue of the Positions, Photometric Magnitudes and Spectra of 9110 Stars, Mainly of the Magnitude 6.50, and Brighter Observed with the 2 and 4 inch Meridian Photometers,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 50, i-iv & 1-252 (1908).
Pickering, Edward C., “Durchmusterung Zones Observed with the Twelve Inch Meridian Photometer,”Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 70, i-vi & 1-235 (1909).
Cannon, Annie J., “Classification of 1,477 Southern Stars by Means of Their Spectra,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 56, 66-114 (1912).
Cannon, Annie J., “Classification of 1,688 Southern Stars by Means of Their Spectra,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 56, 116-64 (1912).
Leavitt, Henrietta S. & Edward C. Pickering, “Periods of 25 Variable Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud,” Harvard College Observatory Circular 173, 1-3 (1912).
Fleming, Williamina P., “Stars Having Peculiar Spectra,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 56, 165-226 (1912).
Pickering, Edward C., “A Catalogue of 16,300 Stars Observed with the 12-inch Meridian Photometer,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 74, 1-263 (1913).
Bailey, Solon I., “Variable Stars in the Cluster Messier 3,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 78, 1-98.6 (1913).
Pickering, Edward C., “Comparison of Color Index and Class of Spectrum,”Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 80, 147-52 (1917).
Cannon, Annie J. & Edward C. Pickering, “The Henry Draper Catalogue: 0h, 1h, 2h, and 3h,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 91, 1-290 (1918).
Pickering, Edward C. & J.C. Kapteyn, “Durchmusterung of Selected Areas, between δ = 0 and δ = +90°,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 101, 1-368 (1918).
Cannon, Annie J. & Edward C. Pickering, “The Henry Draper Catalogue: 4h, 5h and 6h,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 92, 1-308 (1918).
Cannon, Annie J. & Edward C. Pickering, “The Henry Draper Catalogue: 9h, 10h, and 11h,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 94, 1-299 (1919).
Cannon, Annie J. & Edward C. Pickering, “The Henry Draper Catalogue: 12h, 13h, and 14h,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 95, 1-315 (1920).
Cannon, Annie J. & Edward C. Pickering, “The Henry Draper Catalogue: 15h and 16h,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 96, 1-235 (1921).
Cannon, Annie J. & Edward C. Pickering, “The Henry Draper Catalogue: 19h and 20h,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 98, 1-258 (1923).
Cannon, Annie J. & Edward C. Pickering, “The Henry Draper Catalogue: 21h, 22h, and 23h,” Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College 99, 1-271 (1924).
Cannon, A.J. & E.C. Pickering, Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension (Updated, corrected, and extended machine-readable version (VizieR On-line Data Catalog: III/135A, 1989).
Search ADS for works by Pickering
Other Works: Popularizations, Fiction, etc.
Pickering, Edward C., “The Henry Draper Memorial,” Nature 36, 31-34 (1887).
Pickering, E.C., “A Large Southern Telescope,” PASP 4, 214-17 (1892).
Pickering, Edward C., “The Endowment of Research,” Science 13, 201-02 (1902).
Pickering, Edward C., “The Endowment of Astronomical Research,” Science 17, 721-29 (1903).
Pickering, Edward C., “The Aims of an Astronomer,” Science 24, 65-71 (1906).
Pickering, Edward C.,“The Future of Astronomy,” Popular Science Monthly, August 1909, p. 105-116.
Pickering, Edward C., “The Study of the Stars,” Science 39, 1-9 (1914).