Eugene Newman Parker
1997 Bruce Medalist
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Gene Parker was educated at Michigan State University and the California Institute of Technology, where his 1951 Ph.D. was one of the first few in astronomy at Caltech. He spent four years at the University of Utah and was on the faculty of the University of Chicago from 1955 until his death (emeritus from 1995). There he held positions in the physics department, the astronomy and astrophysics department, and the Enrico Fermi Institute, ultimately serving as S. Chandrasekhar Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus. His research was largely in the broad field of astrophysical plasma dynamics. He was probably the leading authority on the solar wind, which he predicted before its discovery, and the effects of magnetic fields in the heliosphere. His work greatly increased understanding of the solar corona, the solar wind, the magnetic fields of both earth and sun, and their complex electromagnetic interactions. He saw spacecraft, including one named for him, go out into the heliosphere and confirm theoretical models he developed before the space age, when observations of comet tails provided nearly all the data available. His books, especially Cosmical Magnetic Fields, educated generations of investigators. His last book includes the effects of magnetic fields of planets, stars, and galaxies on X-ray emissions.
Presentation of Bruce medal
Mercury 26, 3, 6 (1997).
Other awards
American Astronomical Society, Henry Norris Russell Lectureship, 1969.
American Astronomical Society Solar Physics Division, George Ellery Hale Prize, 1978.
American Geophysical Union, John Adam Fleming Medal, 1968; William Bowie Medal, 1990.
American Physical Society, James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics, 2003; APS Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research, 2018.
Astronomische Gesellschaft, Karl Schwarzschild Medal, 1990.
Inamori Foundation, Kyoto Prize for Basic Science, 2003.
National Science Board, National Medal of Science, 1989.
Royal Astronomical Society, Chapman Medal, 1979, presented by M.J. Seaton, QJRAS 21, 73 (1980); Gold medal, 1992.
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Crafoord Prize, 2020.
l’Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, ADION medal, 1999, presented by Annick Pouquet-Davis.
Biographical materials
Fox, Karen, NASA, 16 March 2022
Lerner, Louise, UChicago News, 16 March 2022
Tsinganos, Kanaris, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 54(1) (2022)
Associated Press, 16 March 2022
AIP Center for History of Physics
University of Chicago Chronicle, 22, 19 (2003).
Named after him
American Geophysical Union, Eugene Parker Lecture
Minor Planet #11756 Geneparker
Parker Solar Probe
Papers, etc.
Parker's papers are at the University of Chicago Library..
Other References: Historical
Parker, Eugene N., “Mass Ejection and a Brief History of the Solar Wind Concept,” in Cosmic Winds and the Heliosphere, Jokipii, J.R., et al, eds. (U of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1997), pp. 3-27.
Parker, E.N., “Reflections on Macrophysics and the Sun (Special Historical Review),” Solar Physics 176, 2, 219-47 (1998).
Parker, E.N., “A History of the Solar Wind Concept” in The Century of Space Science, Vol. I., Eds. M Huber, J. Geiss, and J. Bleeker (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002).
Parker, E.N., “A History of Early Work on the Heliospheric Magnetic Field,” Journal of Geophysical Research 106, A8, 15797-802 (2001).
Parker, Eugene N., “Reminiscing My Sixty Year Pursuit of the Physics of the Sun and the Galaxy,” Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 14 1-14 (2014).
Stern, David P. & Mauricio Peredo, “The Solar Wind,” (1995)
Search ADS for works about Parker
Other References: Scientific
Parker, E.N., “Dynamics of the Interplanetary Gas and Magnetic Fields,” Ap.J. 128, 664-76 (1958). [reprinted in the centennial edition Ap.J. 525C, 781 (1999) with a modern commentary by E.N. Parker]
Parker, E.N., “The Hydrodynamic Theory of Solar Corpuscular Radiation and Stellar Winds,” Ap.J. 132, 821-66 (1960).
Parker, E.N., Astrophysics and Many-body Problems, (W.A. Benjamin, NY, 1963).
Parker, E.N., Interplanetary Dynamical Processes (Interscience Publishers, NY, 1963).
Parker, E.N., “Dynamical Properties of Stellar Coronas and Stellar Winds,” Ap.J. 139, 72-92 (1964); 139, 93-122 (1964); 141, 1463-78 (1965); and 139, 690-709 (1964).
Parker, E.N., “The Passage of Energetic Charged Particles through Interplanetary Space,” Planetary and Space Science 13, 9-49 (1965).
Parker, E.N., “Cosmic Rays and Their Formation of a Galactic Halo,” Ap.J. 142, 584-90 (1965).
Parker, E.N., “Dynamical Theory of the Solar Wind,” Space Science Reviews 4, 666-708 (1965).
Parker, E.N., “The Effect of Adiabatic Deceleration on the Cosmic Ray Spectrum in the Solar System,” Planetary and Space Science 14, 371-80 (1966).
Parker, E.N., “The Dynamical State of the Interstellar Gas and Field,” Ap.J. 145, 811-33 (1966).
Parker, E.N., “The Dynamical State of the Interstellar Gas and Field. II. Non-Linear Growth of Clouds and Forces in Three Dimensions,” Ap.J. 149, 517-34 (1967).
Jokipii, J.R. & E.N. Parker, “Energy Changes of Cosmic Rays in the Solar System,” Planetary and Space Science 15, 1375-86 (1967).
Parker, E.N., “The Dynamical State of the Interstellar Gas and Field. III. Turbulence and Enhanced Diffusion,” Ap.J. 149, 535-52 (1967).
Jokipii, J.R. & E.N. Parker, “Random Walk of Magnetic Lines of Force in Astrophysics,” Physical Review Letters 21, 44-47 (1968).
Parker, E.N., “The Dynamical State of the Interstellar Gas and Field. IV. Evolution of the Disk of Interstellar Gas,” Ap.J. 154, 49-56 (1968).
Parker, E.N., “The Dynamical State of the Interstellar Gas and Field. V. Reduced Dynamical Equations,” Ap.J. 154, 57-72 (1968).
Lerche, I. & E.N. Parker, “The Dynamical State of the Interstellar Gas and Field. VI. Instability and Enhanced Diffusion in a Twisted Field,” Ap.J. 149, 515-31 (1968).
Parker, E.N., “Solar Wind Interaction with the Geomagnetic Field,” Reviews of Geophysics 7, 3-10 (1969).
Jokipii, J.R. & E.N. Parker, “Stochastic Aspects of Magnetic Lines of Force with Application to Cosmic-Ray Propagations,” Ap.J. 155, 777-98 (1969).
Jokipii, J.R. & E.N. Parker, “Cosmic-Ray Life and the Stochastic Nature of the Galactic Magnetic Field,” Ap.J. 155, 799-806 (1969).
Parker, E.N., “Origin of the Magnetic Field of the Galaxy,” Ap.J. 157, 1129-35 (1969).
Parker, E.N., “Theoretical Studies of the Solar Wind Phenomenon” Space Science Reviews, 9, 325-60 (1969).
Parker, E.N., “The Occasional Reversal of the Geomagnetic Field,” Ap.J. 158, 815-27 (1969).
Parker, E.N., “The Origin of Magnetic Fields,” Ap.J. 160, 383-404 (1970).
Parker, E.N., “The Origin of Solar Magnetic Fields,” Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 8, 1-30 (1970).
Parker, E.N., “The Generation of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Bodies. I. The Dynamo Equations,” Ap.J. 162, 665-73 (1970).
Parker, E.N., “The Generation of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Bodies. II. The Galactic Field,” Ap.J. 163, 255-78 (1971).
Parker, E.N., “The Generation of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Bodies. III. Turbulent Diffusion of Fields and Efficient Dynamos,” Ap.J. 163, 279-85 (1971).
Parker, E.N., “The Generation of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Bodies. IV. The Solar and Terrestrial Dynamos,” Ap.J. 164, 491-509 (1971).
Parker, E.N., “The Generation of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Bodies. V. Behavior at Large Dynamo Numbers,” Ap.J. 165, 139-46 (1971).
Parker, E.N., “The Generation of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Bodies. VI. Periodic Modes of the Galactic Field,” Ap.J. 166, 295-300 (1971).
Parker, E.N., “Recent Developments in Theory of Solar Wind,” Reviews of Geophysics 9, 825-35 (1971).
Lerche, I. & E.N. Parker, “The Generation of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Bodies. VII. The Internal Small-Scale Fields,” Ap.J. 168, 231-37 (1971).
Parker, E.N., “The Generation of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Bodies. VIII. Dynamical Considerations,” Ap.J. 168, 239-49 (1971).
Parker, E.N. “Topological Dissipation and the Small-Scale Fields in Turbulent Gases,” Ap.J. 174, 499-510 (1972).
Lerche, I. & E.N. Parker, “The Generation of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Bodies. IX. a Solar Dynamo Based on Horizontal Shear” Ap.J. 176, 213-223 (1972).
Parker, E.N. “The Reconnection Rate of Magnetic Fields,” Ap.J. 180, 247-52 (1973).
Parker, E.N. “Cosmic Rays in the Outer Solar System,” Space Science Reviews 14, 576-81 (1973).
Parker, E.N., “The Generation and Dissipation of Solar and Galactic Magnetic Fields” Astrophys & Space Sci 22, 279-91 (1973).
Parker, E.N. “Hydraulic Concentration of Magnetic Fields in the Solar Photosphere. I. Turbulent Pumping,” Ap.J. 189, 563-68 (1974).
Parker, E.N. “Hydraulic Concentration of Magnetic Fields in the Solar Photosphere. II. Bernoulli Effect,” Ap.J. 190, 429-36 (1974).
Parker, E.N. “The Nature of the Sunspot Phenomenon. I: Solutions of the Heat Transport Equation,” Solar Physics 36, 249-74 (1974).
Parker, E.N. “The Dynamical Properties of Twisted Ropes of Magnetic Field and the Vigor of New Active Regions on the Sun,” Ap.J. 191, 245-54 (1974).
Parker, E.N. “The Nature of the Sunspot Phenomenon. II: Internal Overstable Modes,” Solar Physics 37, 127-44 (1974).
Parker, E.N. “The Instability of Strong Magnetic Fields in Stellar Interiors,” Astrophys. & Space Sci. 31, 261-66 (1974).
Parker, E.N. “The Nature of the Sunspot Phenomenon. IV: The Intrinsic Instability of the Magnetic Configuration,” Solar Physics 40, 291-301 (1974).
Parker, E.N. “The Generation of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Bodies. X - Magnetic Buoyancy and the Solar Dynamo,” Ap.J. 198, 205-09 (1975).
Parker, E.N. “X-ray Bright Spots on the Sun and the Nonequilibrium of a Twisted Flux Rope in a Stratified Atmosphere,” Ap.J. 201, 494-501 (1975).
Parker, E.N. “The Escape of Magnetic Flux from a Turbulent Body of Gas,” Ap.J. 202, 523-27 (1975).
Parker, E.N. “Hydraulic Concentration of Magnetic Fields in the Solar Photosphere. III. Fields of One or Two Kilogauss,” Ap.J. 204, 259-67 (1976).
Parker, E.N., “Basic Properties of Magnetic Flux Tubes and Restrictions on Theories of Solar Activity” Astrophys. & Space Sci. 44, 107-17 (1976).
Parker, E.N., “The Origin of Solar Activity,” Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 15, 45-68 (1977).
Parker, E.N. “Hydraulic Concentration of Magnetic Fields in the Solar Photosphere. VI. Adiabatic cooling and concentration in downdrafts,” Ap.J. 221, 268-77 (1978).
Parker, E.N., et al, “A Broad Look at Solar Physics Adapted from the Solar Physics Study of August 1975,” in Solar System Plasma Physics, Vol. 1. (North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1979), p. 3-49.
Parker, E.N., “Sunspots and the Physics of Magnetic Flux Tubes,” Ap.J. 230, 905-13 (1979); 230, 914-23 (1979); 231, 250-59 (1979); 231, 270-76 (1979); 232, 282-90 (1979); 232, 291-96 (1979); 233, 1005-15 (1979); and 234, 333-47 (1979).
Tsinganos, K.C., “Sunspots and the Physics of Magnetic Flux Tubes. IV. Aerodynamic Lift on a Thin Cylinder in Convective Flows,” Ap.J. 231, 260-69 (1979).
Kennel, Charles F. , Louis J. Lanzerotti, & E. N. Parker, eds., Magnetospheres (North-Holland Pub. Co., NY, 1979).
Parker, E.N., Charles F. Kennel, & Louis J. Lanzerotti, eds., Solar and Solar Wind Plasma Physics (North-Holland Pub. Co., NY, 1979).
Lanzerotti, Louis J., Charles F. Kennel, & E. N. Parker, eds., Solar System Plasma Processes (North-Holland Pub. Co., NY, 1979).
Parker, E.N., Cosmical Magnetic Fields: Their Origin and Their Activity (Clarendon Press., Oxford & NY, 1979).
Parker, E.N. “The Dissipation of Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields and the Problem of Coronae. I. Dislocation and Flattening of Flux tubes,” Ap.J. 244, 631-43 (1981).
Parker, E.N. “The Dissipation of Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields and the Problem of Coronae. II. The Dynamics of Dislocated Flux,” Ap.J. 244, 644-52 (1981).
Parker, E.N., “Photospheric Flow and Stellar Winds,” Ap.J. 251, 266-70 (1981).
Parker, E.N., “Magnetic Neutral Sheets in Evolving Fields” Ap.J. 264, 635-41 (1983) & Ap.J. 264, 642-47 (1983).
Parker, E.N., “The Future of Solar Physics” Solar Physics 100, 599-619 (1985).
Parker, E.N., “Why Do Stars Emit X-Rays?” Physics Today 40, (7) 36-42 (1987).
Parker, E.N., “Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields and Atmospheric Structures - Theory” Solar Physics 121, 271-88 (1989).
Parker, E.N., “Heating Solar Coronal Holes,” Ap.J. 372, 719 (1991).
Parker, E.N., “Convection, Spontaneous Discontinuities, and Stellar Winds and X-Ray Emission (Karl Schwarzschild Lecture 1990),“ Reviews in Modern Astronomy4, 1-17 (1991).
Parker, E.N., “Space Plasma and its Origin at the Sun,” Physics of Fluids B 3, 8, pt. 2, 2367-2373 (1992).
Parker, E.N., “Fast Dynamos, Cosmic Rays, and the Galactic Magnetic Field,” Ap. J. 401, 137 (1992).
Parker, E.N., “A Solar Dynamo Surface Wave at the Interface between Convection and Nonuniform Rotation,” Ap. J. 408, 707 (1993).
Parker, Eugene N. Spontaneous Current Sheets in Magnetic Fields: With Applications to Stellar X-rays (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, UK, 1994).
Parker, E.N., “The Alternative Paradigm for Magnetospheric Physics,” Journal of Geophysical Research 101, A5, 10587-10626 (1996).
Parker, E.N., “The X-ray Coronae of Solitary Late-Type Stars,” Solar Physics 169, 327 (1996).
Parker, E.N., “The Sun: the Ultimate Challenge to Astrophysics,” Advances in Space Research 21, 1-2, 267-274 (1998).
Parker, E.N., “Solar Flares, the Solar Corona, and Solar Physic,” in Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emission from Astrophysical Plasmas, Proceedings of IAU Symposium #195, held at Montana State University – Bozeman, 6-10 July 1999 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2000), p. 455.
Parker, E.N., “Space Physics Before the Space Age,” Ap.J. 525C, 792-93 (1999).
Parker, E.N., “The Physics of the Sun and the Gateway to the Stars,” Physics Today 53, 6, 26-31 (2000).
Parker, E.N., “Heating the Solar X-Ray Corona,” in D.E. Innes, A. Lagg & S.K. Solanki, eds., Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields (ESA SP-596). 30 August - 2 September 2005, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany (Published on CD-ROM), pp. 1.1-1.7.
Parker, E.N., “Mass Ejection and a Brief History of the Solar Wind Concept,” in Michael L. Mishchenko, Larry D. Travis & Andrew A. Lacis, eds., Multiple Scattering of Light by Particles (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK, 2006), pp. 3-30.
Parker, Eugene N., Conversations on Electric and Magnetic Fields in the Cosmos (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2007).
Parker, E.N., “Solar Magnetism: The State of Our Knowledge and Ignorance,” Space Science Reviews 144, 15-24 (2009).
Parker, E.N., “Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Representations of Coronal Expansion and The Solar Wind,” in Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1216 (2010), pp. 3-7.
Parker, Eugene N., “Field Line Topology and Rapid Reconnection,” in M.P. Leubner & Zoltán Vör&ounl;s, eds., Multi-scale Dynamical Processes in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings 33, 3-9 (2012).
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Other Works: Popularizations, History, etc.
Parker, E.N., “Elementary Explanation of Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction,” American Journal of Physics 36, 156-58 (1968).
Parker, E.N., “The Sun,” Scientific American 233, 3, 42 (1975).
Parker, E.N., “Gearing Up to Answer Questions Posed by the Sun,” Physics Today 32 (9), 9-11 (1979).
Parker, E.N., “Magnetic Fields in the Cosmos,” Scientific American 249, 2, 44 (1983).
Parker, E.N., “The Martial Art of Scientific Publication,” Eos,Transactions American Geophysical Union 78, 391, 393, 395 (1997).
Parker, Eugene N., “Shielding Space Travelers,” Scientific American 294, 3, 40-47 (2006).