Ongaro Family Scholarship & Awards
Ongaro Family Physics Scholarship & Grants

The Ongaro Family Scholarship Fund has been founded under the direction of recent Sonoma State University graduate, Ernest J. "Ejay" Ongaro (B.A. Physics 2019). The Fund is part of the charitable works of the Ongaro Family, known locally for their successful plumbing, heating and cooling business, Ongaro & Sons. Their giving has had transformative impact on the lives of students at Sonoma State. The Ongaro Family Scholarship Fund supports the following scholarships and grants:
Ongaro Family Scholarship in Physics
An annual competitive award to a student majoring in Physics (must apply to the SSU Scholarship program): $4750
Ongaro Family Green Science Awards
Prizes given for student research related to sustainability
How to Apply
Ongaro Family Physics Scholarship
Applicants for the Ongaro Family Physics Scholarship must be enrolled students majoring in physics (B.A., B.S. or Astro concentration) at Sonoma State University and not have graduated by the end of the current semester. Applicants must turn in their applications through the SSU Scholarship program.
What is needed to apply?
All new or continuing degree program students planning to attend full-time (12 units undergrad, 8 units grad) for the current/next academic year with a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA.
Step 1 - Go to the SSU scholarship website and carefully read through the application requirements listed. The format and topics of the essay portion of the application have changed from years prior. The essay portion has been simplified to now be three short essay questions. We encourage all eligible students to take a closer look at the requirements and apply.
Step 2 – Click the link at the bottom of the page to enter the application site and login using your MySSU username and password.
You may complete your application over time by clicking “Save and Keep Editing”, but your application is not complete and will not be reviewed until you have clicked “Finish and Submit” at the bottom of the application.
Ongaro Family Green Science Awards
Any student in SST who completes a research project in sustainability has the opportunity to win one of three significant monetary awards. During the SSU Science Symposium, the projects regarding green science and sustainability showing the best mastry of research and which provide compelling evidence will be selected to receive one of these awards:
- Grand Prize ($600 individual or $1200 team)
- Winner 1 ($500 individual or $800 team)
- Winner 2 ($500 individual or $800 team)
Past Recipients of the Ongaro Family Physics Scholarship

Quiñonez '21

Past Recipients of the Ongaro Family Green Science Award
Julieta Gomez and Rachael Karm, 2021
“Differential Bull Kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) PopulationsResistance to Increased Temperatures”
Green Science Main Prize
Advisory: Brent Hughes, Biology
Justin Brasil, 2021
“Variation at the SDH gene relates to heat tolerance of abeetle”
Green Science Winner 1 Prize
Advisor: Nathan Rank, Biology
Elliott Smeds, 2021
Green Science Winner 2 Prize
Advisor: Nathan Rank, Biology
Gabriel Quintero Plancarte, 2020
"Sequential Microbial Fuel Cell: Vermifilter System for Treatment of Winery Wastewater" (PDF)
Green Science Main Prize
Faculty Mentors: Joseph Lin and Michael Cohen
Presenters: Joseph McGuire and Jorge Ruiz Gonzales, 2020
"Ramp Metering for Minimization of Traffic Emissions" (PDF)
Green Champion Prize
Faculty Mentor: Martha Shott