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Dr. Scott Severson


Dr. Scott Severson


(707) 664-2376


Darwin 300M

Office Hours

Wed: 11:00 am-11:50 am

Academic Interests


  1. Enriching the academic lives of Sonoma State University students through courses and research
  2. Mentoring the next generation of scientists, engineers and educators
  3. Recruiting and training a diverse population of students
  4. Enhancing the scientific literacy of society
  5. Innovative teaching practices

Research Interests:

  1. Development of next-generation astronomical adaptive optics systems
  2. Development of Sonoma State University observational capabilities
  3. Astronomical instrumentation (with particular emphasis on the near-infrared and adaptive optics)
  4. High spatial-resolution astronomy including the central regions of galaxies and planetary science
  5. Time domain astronomy, measurements of transient phenomena in the universe